Saturday, October 21, 2023
University of Windsor, School of Dramatic Art (SODA)

CODE is on the road again for a one day regional conference in Windsor. On Saturday October 21st, 2023 Educators & Artists will come together for a day of drama and dance sharing of ideas and expertise. The day will include; performances by the St. Clair Music Theatre students, a variety of interactive drama, dance & production workshops, a tour of the Windsor School of Dramatic Art, a Marketplace full of subject specific vendors as well as a catered lunch and snacks by the University of Windsor Conference and Catering Services. See below for schedule and registration. To finish off the day we invite you to attend Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Show, a performance by The Kordazone Theatre, Windsor Ontario

This conference is a collaboration between: Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators (CODE), University of Windsor School of Dramatic Art (SODA), St. Clair College Music Theatre Performance Program, Greater Essex County District School Board

Conference Highlights

Dynamic Workshops:

Sign up for the pathway that best suits your needs and you will get the chance to partake in three workshops that will leave you with material to bring back to your classroom. Our presenters have created workshops focusing on culturally responsive drama and dance practices, keeping the A in STEAM, and revisiting the foundations of drama and dance education. These presenters come with a wealth of experience that will be inspiring to learn from and work with. For a breakdown of our workshops, click on the track of your choice!

Dance Track
Theatre Production Track *Workshop A and D are limited to the first 20 participants that sign up. Registrants may, however, participate in Workshop B & C if desired Please complete the registration form emailed to you.
Drama Track

Trade Fair:

Connect with vendors and find new resources to enhance and add to your existing programs.

Time Event
8:30-9:00 Registration/Trade Fair
9:00-9:15 Welcome & Dance Performance
9:15-10:00 Tour and/or Trade Fair
10:00-11:30 Workshop A
11:30-12:30 Lunch and Trade Fair
12:30-2:00 Workshop B
2:00-2:15 Break & Snack/Trade Fair
2:15-3:45 Workshop C
3:45-4:00 Thank Yous & Wrap Up
8:00 Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Show (optional)
Conference Fees

Conference fees include admission to the keynote and workshops. We always compensate our presenters for their time and expertise in developing and delivering their workshops. CODE Board Members are not paid, but are compensated through the opportunity to develop as professionals.

CODE Members: $99
Please note that your CODE membership must be active at the time of the conference.

Non-Members: $129
Want to become a member to enjoy a discount? Register here!

Retirees: $75
Please note that your CODE Retiree membership must be active at the time of the conference.

Students: $50
Students must be enrolled in full-time undergraduate/graduate studies programs.

Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Show Tickets: $30
2520 Seminole St., Windsor, Ontario

For any questions please email the 2023 Conference Chair:
Leslie Turcotte