Website banner that reads "Member Zone".
Three green arrows composed of dots point to the title that reads "Member Zone" in black text in the centre. The eggshell white background is dotted with circles in various shades of CODE's signature colours (blue and green). A white circle to the right of the title includes CODE's square logo featuring two figures in the shape of a lowercase D to represent engaging in drama and dance.

CODE Members are entitled to attend board meetings, access meeting minutes, attend the AGM, run for election, get involved in current projects, join committees and sub-committees, read and propose changes to the Constitution, and read and propose changes to CODE Policies.

Member Discounts

CODE Members have access to exclusive discounts. Click here to see what is currently on offer!

A link to the Member Discounts page.


CODE on the Road Kingston Registration now open
April 20th at Queen's University
Visit this link to find out more and to register now!

Provocations: drama and dance in education
Call for Journal Submissions - add your voice to the next edition of Provocations!
Visit Provocations for more information and for the link to submit your entry.

Last updated February 26, 2024.

Submit Resources & Offer Workshops

Do you have a resource that you have used successfully with students that you would like to share with other members? CODE accepts submissions which will be reviewed by the Resource Review Committee. 
Submit your resource here:

Do you want to share your expertise through a webinar or workshop? CODE will be accepting submissions which will be reviewed by the Webinar/Workshop Committee. 
Submit your idea for a webinar or workshop here:

Last updated May 17, 2024.

Facebook Groups

CODE hosts Facebook groups for regional networking and information, as well as needs-based groups.

  • You can find CODE's Regional Facebook groups listed here.
  • All Drama and Dance teachers can suggest and exchange resources or ask questions, build networks, etc. on this Drama and Dance Resources/Support Facebook group
  • French-language educators can seek support and ask questions specific to French-language instruction in the group linked below:

A graphic that reads "French-language Facebook forum"
French-language educators are encouraged to join our new group in addition to their regional group to discuss specific needs related to delivery of programming in French.

Become a Drama and Dance Education Advocate

Donate Here

Receipts will be issued for donations of $25.00 or more.

We have been both a not-for-profit organization and a registered charity entitled to provide receipts for donations for many years.

Please know that all of us on the CODE Board are volunteers who donate our time and labour on behalf of dance and drama in education.

Donations may be used for the following:

  1. Resource Development and Revision
  2. Advocacy work on behalf of Drama and/or Dance
  3. Website Development and Maintenance
  4. Wherever CODE needs my donation

You can choose to donate anonymously or to have your name listed as a Donor. No amounts will be listed.

Please send us an email after donating with your preferences.