Web banner that reads "Advocacy"
Three green arrows composed of dots point to the title that reads "Advocacy" in black text in the centre. The eggshell white background is dotted with circles in various shades of CODE's signature colours (blue and green). A white circle to the right of the title includes CODE's square logo featuring two figures in the shape of a lowercase D to represent engaging in drama and dance.

The Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators (CODE) encourages and supports the development of drama and dance in education in Ontario. CODE often engages with partner organizations, as well as provincial, national, and international agencies to represent its members and advocate for issues of importance to those in the field of arts education.

CODE encourages its members and the public-at-large to assist us in advocating for the arts in your schools and communities. Please see the following links to support you in becoming an advocate for dance and drama education.

CODE Advocacy Resources

2020 CODE Advocacy Brochure

CODE Drama Brochure

CODE Dance Brochure

We Need to Talk About Drama:
A Chorus of Voices: Shaping a Future for Drama in Education - Christine Jackson, former CODE President
CODE Conference October 2015
(Linked to Google Drive)

ARTSECO Elementary Instructional Timetable Guidelines

ARTSECO Recommended Elementary Instructional Practices and Time Allocation Guidelines

For use by Ontario Public and Catholic District School Boards

Image of student dancing
Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash; Image Description: Against a black backdrop, a figure dressed in black with short dark hair moves across a light brown hardwood floor. The movement is captured through long exposure, creating a ripple of where the dancer was moments before, streaking towards where they are when the exposure ends.

Dance in the Faculty of Education (PDF)

Advocacy Letters and Statements

In reverse chronological order beginning with most recent:


January - CODE's Response to Information Gathering on Ontario’s Provincial Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting Policy


June 22 - Open Letter to the University of Windsor Re: The termination of the University Players by the University of Windsor


September 19 - Statement against the Million March for Children

May 25 - Open letter to Stephen Lecce Re: Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (concerning revised graduation requirements for the OSSD)


December 3 - Joint Open Letter with Canadian Improv Games, National Theatre School DramaFest, OMEA, DanceFest and CODE to Stephen Lecce Re: Equitable access to extra curriculars

September 30 - CODE Response to Hybrid Learning

September 3 - Drama and Dance: Creative Community in the Time of COVID Version 2.0

August - Letter to MPP Jill Andrews about top priorities in the arts and culture sector

August 17 - Letter to the OCT about the omission of subject associations from the Who Does What in Education? brochure; Response from the OCT

July 20 - Email letter to Council of Directors of Education (also CODE) re: Ministry's Big Ideas in the Elementary Curriculum Project

January 14 - CODE'S submission to MOET's Consultation on Funding for Public Education: CODE's Submission: MOET Consultation on Funding Education

January 4 - Letter from all ARTS subject association to MOET: CODE, OAEA, OMEA: Ontario's Future Depends on STEAM


August 4 - Updated Return to school document, adding 18 COVID adapted resources and shared widely:  Drama and Dance: Creative Community in the Time of COVID

June 25 - Document sent to School Boards in Preparation for Return to Schools: Drama and Dance in the Time of COVID

June 15 - Joint Letter (CODE, FNMIEAO, OAEA, OASPHE, OMEA, OPHEA) to Directors and Trustee Chairs Return to Schools (English, Francais)

May 27 -  Letter from CODE to MOET:  Consultation for School Reopening - COVID 19

March 23 - Letter from OAEA, OMEA and CODE to MOET: Joint Support for Arts Resources during COVID 19


August 30 - Letter to Chair of Deans of Faculties of Education: Offer to Collaborate with Pre-Service and AQ Dance and Drama Courses 

August - Letter to the Toronto District School Board from OAEA, OMEA and CODE: Equity Among ALL of the ARTS in the TDSB

May - Response to Ministry of Education's Open Call for Class Size Consultation


December 22 - Letter to OCT Re: Standards for AQ courses in the arts

November - Response to Ministry of Education's Open Call for Consultation on Education

March 4 - Feedback to People For Education: Arts Education Draft Feedback

Note: We are working to archive all previous advocacy letters and documents. This is a work-in-progress.

Recommended Research and Writing

Recommended Videos

Follow CODE on YouTube

Learning Through the Arts

Video Series showing teachers working with students using drama and dance.



Why Drama and Dance?

Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy in Drama and Dance

CODE Conversations

Drama New Zealand Advocacy Materials 

Shared with special permission and heartfelt thanks to our international drama colleagues in New Zealand!

People for Education: Arts Education in Ontario Gaps and Inequalities

Posted with permission from People for Education.

Please send all recommendations and suggestions to the Chair of the Advocacy Committee at pastpresident[at]code.on.ca.

Our current Past President is: Matthew Sheahan.

Last updated February 2, 2025.