Finding Radical Hope profiles a multi-year international research project that examines how young people are doing in our recent years of global unrest. Dr. Kathleen Gallagher (University of Toronto) has for decades committed to a very distinct site for her award-winning research: the drama classroom. In this often-marginalized and underfunded space, young people have been testing their voices in the world and finding ways to ask for the world they want. Over the course of its 22-minute duration, Finding Radical Hope takes us through classrooms in North America, Europe and Asia, giving us a glimpse of over 250 students who participated in this remarkable study prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. It also sheds light on Towards Youth – the Project: Humanity/Crow’s Theatre theatrical production that emerged from this research back in spring 2019. Professional actors from Toronto embody the words of young people from across the globe in an effort to turn the public towards the power of arts education and drama’s capacity to foster youth citizenship.

You can find the Teacher Resource by clicking here.

To watch Finding Radical Hope click here

CODE Conversations is a raw footage, YouTube talk show featuring honest discussions with educators and artists working in drama and dance performance and education. Each conversation will dive deep into experiences, lessons learned and obstacles overcome on the stage and in the classroom. Our first CODE Conversation features Andrew Kushnir, an actor, playwright, director and the artistic director of Project: Humanity, and Zorana Sadiq, a Toronto-based actor, musician, and arts educator, who performed in the premiere production of Project Humanity’s Towards Youth in 2019.

Watch the premiere episode of CODE Conversations by clicking here.