In this workshop series we will explore the power and possibility that reside in our personal
stories of teaching and learning. Simple exercises will be used to invite inquiry and reflection on
our journeys as teachers, learners, artists, and pedagogues. We will generate questions,
interrogate our practice, get feedback from one another, and explore multiple modalities for
expression of our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. The goals of this workshop series are to:
- build a community of practice amongst drama and dance educators (teachers & artists)
- expand the platform for, and amplify the voices of, drama and dance educators
- seed ideas and support anyone who is interested in contributing to our new journal, Provocations: drama+dance-in-education. (this is an invitation, not an expectation of workshop participants)
Workshop Dates:
- Tuesday, November 15 th 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm
- Tuesday, November 22, 4:15 -5:30 pm
- Tuesday, November 29, 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm
Sign-up here by Monday, November 7.
Confirmation of your registration, along with the Zoom link, will be sent to you by Thursday, November 10.
Contribute to our Holding Space & Bearing Witness collaborative poem. It’s as easy as fill in the blanks! Deadline: November 7.