Course Profile


Websites: is the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres. is the The Playwrights Guild of Canada.


Atwood, Margaret. Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature. ISBN: 9780771008726

Benson, E., & Conolly, L.W. Eds. The Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre. ISBN: 978-0195406726

Berton, Pierre. Why We Act Like Canadians. ISBN: 9780140104424

Brask, P. Ed. Contemporary Issues in Canadian Drama. ISBN: 100921368518

Coupland, Douglas. Souvenir of Canada. ISBN: 9781550549171

Coupland, Douglas. Terry. ISBN: 9781553651130

Ferguson, Will. Why I Hate Canadians. ISBN: 9781553652793

Filewod, Alan. Collective Encounters: Documentary Theatre in English Canada. ISBN: 0802066690

Filewod, Alan. Up the Mainstream: The Rise of Toronto's Alternative Theatres. ISBN: 0802058345 

Rubin, Don. Canadian Theatre History. ISBN: 0887547443 Wasserman, J., Ed. Modern Canadian Plays: Vol 1 ISBN: 9780889224360

Instructional Strategies

Direct Instruction: Structured Overview, Lecture, Didactic Questions 

Indirect Instruction: Creative Problem Solving, Reflective Discussion, Writing to Inform, Reading for Meaning

Experiential Learning: Field Trips, Theatre Games, Storytelling, Role playing (Interviews), Synectic Thinking

Independent Study: Reflective Journals, Portfolio Writing, Writing in Role, Graphic Organizers, Learning Logs, Research Projects (Timeline Chart), Assigned Questions, Computer Assisted Research

Interactive Instruction: Brainstorming, Jigsaw, Peer Partnering, Whole Group Discussion, Think-Pair-Share, Structured Controversy, Scene Study

Instructional Skills: Explaining, Demonstrating, Questioning, Wait Time, Levels of Questions

Glossary of Terms Specific to Course

Cultural Mosaic: a term used to describe the ethnic groups, languages and cultures that co-exist within Canadian society.

Marginalization: to relegate or confine to a lower or outer limit or edge of social standing.

Objective: What a character wants to achieve by their words and actions in a scene (Scene Objective) or in the entire play (Overall or Super Objective).

Social Injustice: a concept relating to the perceived unfairness or injustice of a society in its divisions of rewards and burdens.

Examples of Activities

Example Lessons


Unit 1 Lesson 1: What makes us Canadian?

Unit 3 Lesson 3: Investigating Canadian Plays

Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Observation: Anecdotal Records, Group Observation Sheets, Checklists, Oral Feedback, Rating Scales, Rubrics

Questioning: Exit Slip, Teacher Student Interview

Pencil and Paper: Portfolios, Reflective Journals, Written Assignments, Self and Peer Evaluation, Quizzes and Tests, Culminating Activities