Drama/Dance and Language Curriculum Expectations

Movement (Pre-Story)

  • demonstrate the ability to move and control their bodies in space and time (Gr. 2)

Statues (Tableaux)

  • describe some basic ways in which the body can be used in space and time (e.g., freezing in position to look like a statue)  (Gr. 1)


use the vocabulary and body movements of a particular character when role-playing (Gr. 1)

  • defend a point of view, through speaking and writing in role (Gr. 3)

Role on the Wall

  • listen to discussions of familiar topics and ask relevant questions, (Language, Gr. 2)


  • use appropriate gestures, tone of voice, as well as natural speech rhythms, when speaking (Language, Gr. 2 and 3)
  • demonstrate the ability to concentrate while in role in drama and dance (Gr. 2)
  • ask and respond appropriately to relevant questions in and out of role, about characters and dramatic situations being explored (Gr. 2)


  • solve problems presented in different kinds of dramatic situations (Gr. 1-3)

Writing in Role

  • write in role as characters in a story, using the vocabulary and portraying the attitudes of the characters (Gr. 2)