1.  Recognition

We see ourselves in the character or the situation. We can relate to it because it has happened to us, or could happen to us. We are also happy it is not happening to us i.e. slipping on a banana peel.

2.  Mimicry

This is the ability to imitate others in a way that is instantly recognizable because of its accuracy or its selected exaggeration i.e. Robin Williams.

3.  Repetition

This occurs when an action or an expression is performed three times. Three is the magic number: we see it or hear for the first time; we understand the reference the second time; we expect the third time because it’s predictable.

4.  Contrast

Contrast can occur between two characters i.e. Laurel and Hardy, or between character and setting i.e. Beverly Hillbillies or Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

5.  Surprise

Something we did not expect to hear or see i.e. closet opens and a cascade articles fall out.

6.  Anticipation of the Surprise

We think we will hear or see something because we have already heard or seen it before, but something else occurs.

7.  Stupidity and Pain in Others

Physical comedy that causes the character injury because of their own stupidity i.e. The Three Stooges.