Please note: Some of the curriculum expectations for Social Studies may not be up-to-date. Refer to the Ontario Curriculum website for the most recent versions of the Social Studies curriculum.
Lesson 1
Grade 4 Social Studies
Heritage and Citizenship, Knowledge and Understanding:
outline the reasons for and some of the effects of medieval Europe’s expanding contact with other parts of the world
Canada and World Connections:
identify and describe a cause-and-effect relationship between the environment and the economy in a province or territory
Grade 5 Social Studies
Heritage and Citizenship, Application:
make connections between some elements of modern life and similar elements from early civilizations (e.g., as a medium of exchange,, social structures, …)
Lesson 2
B1. Creating and Presenting
B1.2: demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by selectively using a few other elements of drama (e.g. time and place; relationship; focus and emphasis) to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context
B1.3: plan and shape the direction of drama or role play by posing questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role
B3. Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing
B3.1: outline the responsibilities of a variety of leadership and support roles in drama, including the skills and knowledge required, and evaluate their experiences in these roles in different contexts
B3.2: identify skills they have acquired through drama activities and explain how they can contribute to success beyond the classroom
Lesson 3
B1. Creating and Presenting
B1.2: demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by selectively using a few other elements of drama (e.g. time and place; relationship; focus and emphasis) to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context
B1.3: plan and shape the direction of drama or role play by posing questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role
B3. Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing
B3.1: outline the responsibilities of a variety of leadership and support roles in drama, including the skills and knowledge required, and evaluate their experiences in these roles in different contexts
B3.2: identify skills they have acquired through drama activities and explain how they can contribute to success beyond the classroom
Curriculum Expectations
B1. Creating and Presenting
B1.2: demonstrate an understanding of the element of role by selectively using a few other elements of drama (e.g. time and place; relationship; focus and emphasis) to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context
B1.3: plan and shape the direction of drama or role play by posing questions and working with others to find solutions, both in and out of role
B3. Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing
B3.1: outline the responsibilities of a variety of leadership and support roles in drama, including the skills and knowledge required, and evaluate their experiences in these roles in different contexts
B3.2: identify skills they have acquired through drama activities and explain how they can contribute to success beyond the classroom