Critical Learning | Guiding Questions |
Established methods of physical conditioning are designed to cater safely to the majority of able-bodied people. Human bodies are intrinsically different. Therefore, dancers should become experts on their own bodies and take ownership of their own physical conditioning. This can be accomplished by picking and choosing elements from a variety of training methods. (i.e. yoga, pilates, the Alexander Technique, the Feldenkrais Method, Joan Skinner’s Releasing Technique, Donna Krasnow’s C-I [conditioning-with-imagery] Training) | How does training in a variety of dance forms expand your awareness of the possible positions and movements of different parts of your body (your kinesthetic range?) How can you continue to develop physically, emotionally,intellectually and creatively as a dancer? How can you apply your knowledge of dance techniques and training methods to address your body's needs? |
Curriculum Expectations | Learning Goals |
Creating, Presenting, PerformingA3. Dance Techniques: demonstrate an understanding of the dance techniques and movement vocabularies of a variety of global dance forms; A3.2 accurately demonstrate a wide range of movement techniques from a variety of global dance forms (e.g., correctly perform assigned phrases that alternate the use of weighted movement and movement requiring a weightless quality) | Learning Goals(Unpacked Expectations)At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Instructional Components | |
ReadinessStudents must be wearing proper dance attire and arrive prepared with their homework (BLMs 1 and 2) completed. Through this course, students should have experience in training methods and dance techniques from a variety of global dance forms. Students should know safe practices in warming up, stretching, strengthening and practicing various dance techniques TerminologyPlanes of the body: Transverse, Frontal, Sagittal Movements of the body: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Rotation (External, Internal), Supination, Pronation, Retraction, Protraction, Elevation vocabulary that is specific to training methods and dance techniques studied earlier in the course. | MaterialsIn advance of this class, the teacher must create a 10-20 minute conditioning sequence that models the student's assignment in this lesson. The sequence should be a fusion of the training techniques taught in the course. It should highlight areas of focus for the teacher's current physical conditioning needs.Music to accompany the teacher's conditioning sequence. BLMsBLM #3 Building my own Conditioning Sequence
Approximately 30 minutesMinds On | Pause and Ponder |
Whole Class > Conditioning SequenceInvite students to sit in a circle. Explain to the students that they will be lead through a twenty minute conditioning sequence that has been designed to address the personal needs of you, the dance teacher. Describe some areas of concern and which techniques will be applied to address these needs. (i.e. For a tendency to hyper-extend the knees; begin with a series of plies where one consciously maintains a minuscule bend in the knees while standing in order to bring awareness to this habit. A combination of Pilates exercises with some other variations of sit-ups could follow to address lower back pain. One could conclude with a vigorous sequence of exercises inspired by Capoeira to enhance cardiovascular ability. If flexibility comes naturally, there could be a minimal amount of stretching). Lead the students through your twenty minute conditioning sequence. Be aware that the intention of this exercise is to model how a dancer can tailor and synthesize methods to meet their own needs. | Assessment for Learning (AfL)During Action!, circulate around the room and check that each student has completed both the Body Map and Building My Own Conditioning Sequence BLMs. Offer suggestions or corrections to students who did not complete the assignment or who misunderstood some of the terminology. Assessment as Learning (AaL)At the halfway point in Action! (during both lessons) gain the attention of the class. Tell students to pair up with the two students closest to them for "Share and Question." Each group member reports to the others where they are in their process. They are then allowed to present the group with one problem they are having so that the other two might provide some solutions (i.e. transitioning from one section to the next.) This assessment should last no more than 5-10 minutes. Differentiation (DI)Keeping in mind that your warm-up is designed for your body (as modeling is the intention), be aware of students whose injuries or inclinations differ from your own. Perhaps draw these students aside in advance of your conditioning sequence and provide them with some modifications or alternatives to the practice. Quick TipEncourage students to draw on any method of physical conditioning that they have learned outside of dance class (i.e. sport, gymnastic, aerobic) Link and LayerRemind students of ways that they have worked successfully in the past when doing independent work in a group setting. (i.e. Face a Wall, wear an iPod, space yourself away from someone who will be a distraction to your work). |
Approximately 90 minutesAction! | |
Individual > Creating a Conditioning SequenceReinforce to students that the conditioning sequence they participated in was designed to address the needs of you, the teacher. Explain that it is now the students' turn to develop their own conditioning sequence. Prompt: Thank you for participating in my personal conditioning sequence. Depending on my health, and whether or not I'm performing, this sequence changes from month to month, or even week to week. I invite you now to develop your own conditioning sequence that address the needs identified in your Body Maps. Use the ideas you came up with in your Personal Remedial Training charts to weave together your practice. Distribute BLM #3 Building My Own Conditioning Sequence. Read the instructions aloud to the group. Encourage students to work independently on their sequence. Two classes should be dedicated to this lesson. Encourage students to bring music to the second class so they can set their sequence. | |
Approximately 20 minutesConsolidation | |
Individual > ReflectionReconvene in a circle and ask students to consider the following questions: Students should record their answers in their dance journals. (Alternately, this could be done as an exit card). Tell the students that once set, the individual conditioning sequences will be practiced on a daily basis for the remainder of the unit. |