CODE has assembled examples for your convenience, but has not thoroughly vetted each one and cannot make recommendations for what will work for your particular students. While they have been classified based on topic and appropriateness for certain audiences, it is essential that you preview video content before sharing with your classes.
Dance Playlists
P/J Playlist
J/I Playlist
I/S Playlist
Dance Individual Examples*
*Some videos cannot be added to playlists because they are marked for under 18 audiences on YouTube or are not hosted on YouTube.
P/J Individual Examples
J/I Individual Examples
- Excerpts from the Mush Hole Project (installation at the Mohawk Institute) Choreographed by Santee Smith
I/S Individual Examples
Theatre Playlists
P/J Playlist
I/S Playlist
Theatre Individual Examples*
*Some videos cannot be added to playlists because they are marked for under 18 audiences on YouTube or are not hosted on YouTube.
P/J Individual Examples*
I/S Individual Examples*
Exemples francophones de théâtre
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