Unit Overview

Potential Appropriation Issues

The use of some of the lessons in this resource is not recommended for teachers without the cultural background of these dance disciplines. Always invite cultural knowledge keepers to support cultural learning. Africa is a continent with many countries, each with distinctive dance forms. Teachers are encouraged to invite artists who can share their culture as well as their dance with the students.


This unit provides students with the opportunity to explore two global dance forms (African dance and Hip Hop) and explore their similarities and differences. Students will also examine the ways in which African dance may have influenced Hip Hop dance. Because this unit draws upon students' knowledge of the elements of dance and choreographic forms, it would be beneficial to do this unit towards the end of the year, when students have had a chance to develop their skills in dance.


In this unit, students will have the opportunity to view, explore and create African and Hip Hop Dance. The class will reflect on how African dance may have influenced Hip Hop dance and examine the origins, as well as the similarities and differences between the two dance forms. Students will then use this learning to create a group choreography, using rondo form. Throughout the unit, there will be multiple opportunities for students to give and receive peer feedback and use this feedback to revise their dance pieces before the final presentation.

Overall Expectations Grade 7


A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to the composition of a variety of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas

A2. Reflecting, Responding and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces and experiences

A3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of dance forms, traditions, and styles from the past and present, and their sociocultural and historical contexts

Unit Guiding Questions

How are African and Hip Hop dance the same? How are they different? In what ways might African dance have influenced Hip Hop? How can we use the movement vocabularies from these two styles of dance to create our own compositions?

Lesson Guiding Questions

Lesson 1: Exploring African
How are the elements of dance used in African dance?
Lesson 2: Exploring Hip Hop

How are the elements of dance used in Hip Hop dance?  

How is this different from how they are used in African dance?

Lesson 3: Choreography

What are the similarities in Hip Hop and African dance?

In what way can Hip Hop be considered the evolution of African dance?

Lesson 4: Sharing Works in Progress

Why is feedback an important part of the creative process?

What does good feedback look like?

What makes a good audience member?
Lesson 5: Final Performance

How are the elements of dance used in African dance?

How are they used in Hip Hop?

How can these two styles be combined to create one dance piece?


Assessment and Evaluation: How will students demonstrate their learning?

Assessment of learning

Culminating Performance Task

Students will create a group choreography, using rondo form, that uses the movement vocabulary from both African and Hip Hop dance. This will be evaluated using a rubric.
Assessment for Learning

Checkpoint/Lesson #1

Teacher observation
Side coaching

Checkpoint/Lesson #2

Teacher observation
Side coaching

Checkpoint/Lesson #3

Teacher observation
Side coaching

Checkpoint/Lesson #4

Teacher observation
Side coaching
Peer feedback


Unit Lessons: How will assessment and instruction be organized for learning?

Approx. Duration 1 class= 60
Lesson 1

Exploring African

In this lesson, students will analyze videos of African dance and use this as a stimulus to create their own movement phrases.
1 class
Lesson 2

Exploring Hip Hop

In this lesson, students will analyze photos of Hip Hop dancers and use this as the stimulus to create their own movement phrases.
1 class
Lesson 3


Students will work in small groups to create a dance that uses the movement vocabularies from both African and Hip Hop dance. They will each be responsible for creating a segment of the choreography. Students will use rondo form to help them organize their choreography. 
1.5 classes
Lesson 4

Sharing Works in Progress

In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to share their works in progress and receive peer feedback. They will be responsible for planning how to use this feedback to revise their dance pieces.
1 class
Lesson 5

Final Performance

Students will use the peer feedback given to them in lesson 4 to revise and refine their dance pieces and then present them for evaluation.
1-2 classes