Critical Learning

Guiding Questions

The elements of dance are the building blocks of movement.  

The elements are dance are used and combined in different ways to create different genres/styles of dance.

How are the elements of dance used in Hip hop dance?  

How is this different from how they are used in African dance?

Curriculum Expectations

Learning Goals

A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to the composition of a variety of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas

A1.4 use the elements of dance and choreographic forms to communicate a variety of themes and moods

A2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces and experiences

A2.2 analyse, using dance vocabulary, their own and others' dance pieces to identify the elements of dance and the choreographic forms used in them and explain how they help to communicate meaning

Learning Goals
(Unpacked Expectations)

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify how the elements of dance are used in hip hop 
  • create a short dance phrase using pictures of Hip Hop dance as a stimulus
  • Identify the similarities and differences between Hip Hop and African dance

Instructional Components


Students should be comfortable working in small groups to create choreography.


Hip Hop


Music for dance (suggestions: Next of Skin by Geoff Bennett, Umoja Soundtrack)

Music player (Mp3, CD player etc) for sugggested resource


Approximately 10 minutes

Minds On

Pause and Ponder

Whole Class > Discussion

Lead the class through a brief discussion about where Hip Hop originated from. (For more information see hyperlinks for suggested resources). Identify on the map where Hip Hop originated from.

Whole Class > Analyzing Images

Have images of various hip hop moves (see hyperlinks for suggestions on where to find sample images online) spread out in a circle around the room. Group students around each image (2-3 students per image).  Ask students to interpret the image through movement. Remind them that it does not have to be an exact replica, but rather an interpretation of what they see. After students have had 2-3 minutes to create their movement, have them rotate clockwise to the next image. Repeat the process until students have 3 shapes/movements.
Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Venn Diagrams will help you determine who has understood the difference between the two dance styles and whether or not the class is ready to proceed to the culminating task.

Assessment as Learning (AaL)

Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the dance styles.

Differentiation (DI)

Students who are less comfortable with movement may want to directly replicate the photo while students who are more comfortable with movement can create an interpretation of what is in the photo.

Quick Tip

While students are working, play a variety of music. Some suggestions: no music to begin with, just percussion, African music, hip hop music

Link and Layer

Compare the use of the elements of dance in African and Hip Hop dance

See also Rhymes to Re-Education website for additional lessons on Hip Hop 

Hyperlinks in the Lesson

Information on the history of Hip Hop:

History of Hip Hop

Central Home: History of Hip Hop

Hip Hop Images/Videos:

Information on various dance moves


Approximately 30 minutes


Pairs > Creating a Movement Sequence

Partner students up and direct them to teach their three movements to their partner. Each pair now has 6 movements. Instruct students to decide on which order they want to put the movements in and to create transitions between each movement. Give students time to rehearse.

Prompt: How will you go from one movement to the next? Are you going to slide? spin? Will you change levels? Are you doing it in unison?

Pairs > Sharing with the Class

Keep students in the space they are working in and, one group at a time, have partners share with the class.

Whole Class > Debrief

Lead a class discussion about the similarities and differences between the African dance from lesson one and Hip Hop.
Key Questions for Discussion:
How were the elements of dance used in the same ways? How were they used differently?
How is energy used in both styles of dance?
What levels are used in African and Hip Hop?
Approximately 20 minutes


Pairs > Venn Diagram Comparison

Ask students to work together in partners to complete a Venn Diagram comparing the use of the elements of dance in African dance and Hip Hop dance. Ensure that once students have completed their Venn Diagram, they write a summary statement at the bottom of the page to synthesize their learning. Post Venn Diagrams around the room so students can reference them while they are working.