Critical Learning | Guiding Questions |
The elements of dance can be used in a variety of ways to create dance pieces. | How are the elements of dance used in African dance? How are the used in Hip Hop? How can these two styles be combined to create one dance piece? |
Curriculum Expectations | Learning Goals |
A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to the composition of a variety of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas A2. Reflecting, Responding and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces and experiences A3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of dance forms, traditions, and styles from the past and present, and their sociocultural and historical contexts | Learning Goals(Unpacked Expectations)At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Instructional Components | |
ReadinessStudents should be comfortable presenting in front of the class. Students should have experience with self and peer assessment. TerminologyDance styleCreative Process Dance sequence | MaterialsMusic and music player (optional) |
Approximately 10 minutesMinds On | Pause and Ponder |
Pairs > Share IdeasAsk students to think about their action plan from last day. Have them turn to an elbow partner and share one idea they have for revising their dance pieces. Review the rubric and expectations for the final performance. | Assessment for Learning (AfL)Circulate and side coach students as necessary as they work to revise their dance pieces based on the feedback received in the previous lesson. Assessment as Learning (AaL)Student reflections. Assessment of Learning (AoL)Final performance will be evaluated using a rubric. Differentiation (DI)Students could share their reflection responses orally with the teacher. Quick TipIf students are going to be presenting to music, ensure that they have time to practice to the music. |
Approximately 50 minutesAction! | |
Small Group > Choreography RehearsalHave students work in groups to incorporate feedback from last days' session and polish their dance pieces. Observe and side coach groups as necessary. If students are struggling, have them slow down and coach them as they are moving. It may be helpful to have them chunk the dance piece into the A section, B section, C section and D section to focus on what needs to be worked on in each section and then they can put the sections back together in rondo form. Whole Class > Dress RehearsalHave groups stay in the same place they have been working. Lead them through a dress rehearsal, all groups moving at the same time. Start them at the same moment (count down from 5). Direct students to freeze when they have finished and hold the final pose until all groups are done. This approach provides a low-risk performance opportunity prior to their final performance. | |
Approximately 30 minutesConsolidation | |
Whole Class > Performance and ReflectionAsk students to sit facing the performance space. Review audience etiquette with the class. One at a time, groups share their dance pieces. Individual > ReflectionIn their dance journals, have students answer the following questions: How did their dance pieces change as a result of the feedback they received?What would they do differently next time What did they learn about each dance style? How was the creative process used? What was the aim of you dance sequence and how did you communicate it? What did you learn about what Hip Hop tries to communicate? What did you learn about what African dance communicates to the viewer? How did this influence you in creating your dance? |