
Warm-ups featured here have been used by drama and dance practitioners, educators, and artists in various formats for many years. If we have sourced a warm-up from a specific website, it is credited at the end of the description.

Most of these warm-ups can be adapted up or down with the right supports (i.e. providing accommodations so that everyone's access needs can be met). Use your professional judgment about whether these warm-ups are right for your group.


  • It may be worthwhile to review procedures for participating safely in drama warm-ups before engaging (e.g., be prepared to stop when the teacher needs your attention, etc.). Explicit rehearsal of procedures and routines are beneficial for all students and essential for some.
  • Warm-ups should include the right to pass and the right to return when students are ready and able to participate again. This honours the social and emotional access needs of students including the need for longer transitions and opportunities to observe before participating, and physical access needs including the need for rest if an activity is overstimulating or tiring. It also honours preferences if a warm-up includes touch that does not feel safe or appropriate for a student (for any reason).

Do you have a warm-up you'd like to add?  Let us know using the Feedback form in the menu on the left!