Before you begin, think about...
In what ways do I communicate?
What roles do I normally take on during group activities?
What skills might I learn from taking on a different role/ responsibility?
How might I get to know my classmates better?
The goal of the activity is for students to work as a group to line up based on the prompt provided the leader. Once complete, go down the line and have students identify where they are based on the prompt, adjusting if they are out of order. Student may consider lining up directly beside another classmate if they have the same as them (a great conversation starter).
Date de naissance (mois et jour)
Nombre de frères et sœurs
Nombre de personnes dans leur famille directe (par exemple, frères et sœurs, parents, aînés, grands-parents, etc.)
Student suggestions
E.g.- « Alignez-vous en fonction de votre jour d'anniversaire. » Students line up their birthday order. They will be successful if they are in calendar order. The line should go from January 1st to December 31st. Students with the same birthday are standing directly beside each other
Split class into groups and race the two groups
Add additional requirements (e.g.- Birthday- Day, Month, Year)
Set a time limit to complete their line
What is one thing that you learned about someone else in the class?
How are various students different (e.g.- the way they celebrate their birthday, number of family members, or how they describe their family members, etc.)
What role did you take in the activity (e.g.- leader, support, etc.)? What roles might there be within this classroom? What skills might you want to further develop this year in terms of your role as a learner?
Avant de commencer, pensez à...
De quelles façons est-ce que je communique ?
Quels sont les rôles que j'endosse habituellement lors des activités de groupe ?
Quelles compétences pourrais-je acquérir en assumant un rôle ou une responsabilité différente ?
Comment pourrais-je apprendre à mieux connaître mes camarades de classe ?
The goal of the activity is for students to work as a group to line up based on the prompt provided the leader. Once complete, go down the line and have students identify where they are based on the prompt, adjusting if they are out of order. Student may consider lining up directly beside another classmate if they have the same as them (a great conversation starter).
Date de naissance (mois et jour)
Nombre de frères et sœurs
Nombre de personnes dans leur famille directe (par exemple, frères et sœurs, parents, aînés, grands-parents, etc.)
Student suggestions
E.g.- « Alignez-vous en fonction de votre jour d'anniversaire. » Students line up their birthday order. They will be successful if they are in calendar order. The line should go from January 1st to December 31st. Students with the same birthday are standing directly beside each other
Split class into groups and race the two groups
Add additional requirements (e.g.- Birthday- Day, Month, Year)
Set a time limit to complete their line
Quelle est la chose que tu as apprise sur une autre personne de la classe ?
En quoi les différents élèves sont-ils différents (par exemple, la façon dont ils célèbrent leur anniversaire, le nombre de membres de leur famille, ou la façon dont ils décrivent les membres de leur famille, etc.)
Quel rôle as-tu joué dans l'activité (par exemple, leader, soutien, etc.) ? Quels rôles pourrait-il y avoir dans cette classe ? Quelles compétences souhaiterais-tu développer davantage cette année en ce qui concerne ton rôle d'apprenant ?
Variation: Single File
Players split into two teams. One team lines up and stands at attention while the other team watches. Then they run out of the room or behind a screen and rearrange themselves into a new order and run in. The observing team rearranges them back into the original order.
This is a great warmup and icebreaker activity as it promotes participation and interaction.