
“Homophobia” and “heterosexism” are terms used to describe prejudice relating to sexual orientation. They refer to the assumption that heterosexuality is superior and preferable, and is the only right, normal or moral expression of sexuality. Both may also be the basis for negative treatment of gay, lesbian or bisexual people based on sexual orientation. Although these terms are closely related and overlapping, they also can emphasize different aspects and expressions of prejudice, and can therefore be helpful in identifying and addressing different aspects of the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, bisexual or gay people.

“Homophobia” is often defined as the irrational aversion to, or fear or hatred of gay, lesbian or bisexual people and communities, or to behaviours stereotyped as “homosexual.” It is commonly used to signify a hostile psychological state in the context of overt discrimination, harassmetn or violence against gay, lesbian or bisexual people.

“Heterosexism” refers to the assumption that everyone is heterosexual. This definition is often used in the context of discrimination against bisexual, lesbian and gay people that is less overt, and which may be unintentional and unrecognized by the person or organization responsible for the discrimination. It can also be useful in understanding and identifying some kinds of institutional or societal bias, although homophobia may also be at play.

- Ontario Human Rights Commission. (n.d.). Part I – the context: Sexual orientation, human rights protections, case law and legislation. Policy on discrimination and harassment because of sexual orientation. https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/policy-discrimination-and-harassment-because-sexual-orientation

General Education Resources
Performing Arts Resources
Community Practitioners

TRISTAN R. WHISTON was artist-in-residence at Central Toronto Youth Services, directing Gender Play (2004-2010) working with LGBTQ youth to explore issues and experiences of gender, and, most recently, Transcend, a group exploring gender through art and activism (2012-2017).


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