Overall Expectations

A1. The Creative Process: use the creative process, the elements of dance (body, space, time, energy and relationship), and a variety of sources to develop movement vocabulary.

  • A1.1 use the elements of dance to create and perform increasingly complex dance phrases inspired by a theme.
  • A1.2 create and perform increasingly complex phrases that combine and manipulate the elements of dance in a variety of ways;
  • A1.3 use the elements of dance to generate and perform increasingly complex dance vocabulary through improvisation and experimentation with a partner or in a group

A2. Choreography and Composition: combine the elements of dance in a variety of ways in composing individual and ensemble dance creations.

  • A2.1 use a variety of choreographic forms, structures, and techniques to create and perform increasingly complex dance works;
  • A2.2 create a complex dance composition that explores a self- or teacher-selected theme
  • A2.3 use a variety of compositional approaches to express a broad range of ideas and moods through dance.

A4. Performance: apply dance presentation skills in a variety of contexts and performances.

B1. Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process to reflect on and evaluate their own and others' dance works and activities.

  • B1.1 use the critical analysis process to compare and contrast two Canadian choreographic works
  • B1.2 develop and use aesthetic criteria to evaluate both the content and the fluency or expressiveness of student compositions.

B3. Continuing Engagement: demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and possibilities of continuing engagement in dance arts.

  • B3.3 develop and maintain a traditional or digital dance portfolio that demonstrates the depth and breadth of their learning.

Specific Expectations by Lesson

  A1 A2 A4 B1 B3
Lesson 1       1.1, 1.2  
Lesson 2 1.1 2.2, 2.3   1.2 3.3
Lesson 3 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 2.1, 2.2, 2.3   1.2  
Lesson 4       1.2  
Lesson 5 A1. A2. A4. B1. B3.