Students present their compositions for video recording and evaluation of group collaboration skills, composition skills and dance technique by the teacher.

Learning Goals

  • Accurately demonstrate dance technique.
  • Use feedback from teachers and peers to improve their work in dance.
  • Describe their development as a dancer using portfolio materials.
  • Apply dance studio roles and responsibilities.


Minds On (Approximately 15 minutes)

  • The teacher or a student leads the class in a physical warm-up.
  • The teacher facilitates the set-up of the video recording (taping out lines to ensure students stay within the area the camera can capture.)

Action! (Approximately 50 minutes)

  • Each group performs their finished/polished pieces and is videotaped. 
  • The teacher introduces BLM#11 - Portfolio Component Three Assignment and Rubric (Imaging Dance) and assigns a reasonable time line for completion and submission.
  • Students view the videotape of their presentations.
  • Students choose one of their peers’ compositional works that they connected with most and attempt to capture an image of what they saw and/or felt and/or what they understood that was powerful to them. 
  • Students sketch and/or make notes explaining their chosen image. 
  • Students can also have time to interview their classmates about the image to open discussion about meaning in dance. 
  • Students use this image to complete BLM#11 - Portfolio Component Three Assignment and Rubric (Imaging Dance).

Consolidation (Approximately 10 minutes)

  • The teacher or a student leads the class though a physical cool-down.
