Students use the feedback from the teacher, their peers and themselves to improve, edit, revise and refine their composition.
Learning Goals
- Use feedback from teachers and peers to improve their work in dance.
- Apply dance studio roles and responsibilities.
- Demonstrate understanding of safety issues in dance class; character traits needed in dance class; copyrighted music and choreographic work.
- Revise and refine work to enhance dance performance and interpretation.
Minds On (Approximately 25 minutes)
- The teacher reviews the feedback given to each group in the previous lesson.
- The teacher or a student leads the class in a physical warm-up.
Action! (Approximately 105 minutes)
- Students apply the feedback given by the teacher and their peers to further explore, edit, revise, refine, rehearse and polish their pieces.
- The teacher circulates and side coaches as students solve problems and rehearse their pieces.
- Students apply appropriate rehearsal etiquette and safe practices.
- The teacher provides adequate in-class time for student groups to complete, refine, edit and polish their final work.
Consolidation (Approximately 20 minutes)
- The teacher or a student leads the class though a physical cool-down.