Curriculum Expectations |
Learning Goals |
Drama1.1 Creating and Presenting: engage actively in drama exploration and role play with a focus on exploring drama structures, key ideas and pivotal moments in their own stories and stories from diverse communities, times and places |
Language1.8 Oral Communication: identify the point of view presented in oral text and ask questions about possible bias
Materials |
BLM #5: Sample Newspaper Editorial (copy one for each student) BLM #6: Newspaper Editorial (copy one for each student and copy one on acetate) |
Approximately 15 minutes
Minds On |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Group > DiscussionLead discussion using Prompts: Besides asking for the help of our class, is there anything else that K.C. can do to make others aware of his problem? CL In general, how can citizens communicate their feelings and opinions to those who make decisions?Lead a discussion around various ways that people can be heard through the use of blogs, letters to the editor, letters to the Prime Minister, or MP's, Facebook, YouTube etc. Prompt: CL How can we use existing power structures to assert our influence? |
HyperlinksReferences for Teaching Bias:Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat: http://www. Toronto District School Board |
Approximately 50 minutes
Action! |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Group > Read AloudShow the class BLM #5: Sample Newspaper Editorial, which is an example of an editorial column (with appropriate reading level). Read aloud to the class. Small Group > DiscussionInvite students to get into small groups and answer the following questions in their journal notebooks. Whole Group > Discussion and Teacher Think-AloudDiscuss as a whole class once small group discussions are finished. Ask the students if anyone knows what the word 'bias' means. Invite students to share their understanding and record this information on a mind map. CL Together, create a working definition of 'bias' and post this. Copy BLM #5: Sample Newspaper Editorial onto an overhead and project this for all students to see. Have the following questions posted and referenced before the think-a-loud. Prompt: We are going to learn more about this article and try to answer the following questions: What is this editorial about? CL Besides some facts, what other information is the editor giving us? CL Do you think this editor has his/her own opinion on this subject? Why or why not? Find words in the text to support your answer. As a whole class, return to the working definition of bias and ask if the students want to add anything. Whole Group > Discussion > Charting "What We Know/Want To Know"Show students the newspaper page included with KC's second letter (BLM #6: Newspaper Editorial). Tell students you are eager to share this with them as this new piece of evidence will help the class figure out what is going on. Pass around copies for students to read in small groups. Ask the students to write two headings on a page in their journals:CL What we think we know, and What would we like to know. Ask students to fill in these columns as they are reading. Remind the students that they may also add information they learned from KC's letters. Model for students how to make an inference about what we know of KC by underlining/circling specific pieces of the text. Once students are finished, initiate a whole group discussion and record the collective understanding of what the students know and want to know. Review the items listed in the What would we like to know column and ask the students to consider how they find answers. Prompts: "How can we find this out? CL Who do we need to talk to? Tell the students that we can use role play to meet and interview the people who wrote letters to the editor and this will give us some answers. Invite students to form small groups to do a group brainstorm around questions that need to be asked. As a whole class, chart these for reference. Whole Group > Hot SeatingTell the students that they are now going to hot seat those people who wrote letters to the editor. Set up a special chair at the front of the classroom (the hot seat). Go over the rules of role play (see teacher's notes). Ask students to tell you what a successful role play should look and sound like (no laughing, only serious answers, making up details that fit with what we know about the character). Explain that you will adopt the role of R.J., Hard worker (author of one of the editorials) and their job is to ask questions to better understand his point of view, or bias. Individual > Writing in RoleAsk the students to write a letter to the editor in role as KC. Emphasize that their letters must communicate KC's point of view regarding the building of the community centre. Whole Group > Sharing CircleAssemble students in a circle. Explain that they now collectively represent the role of KC. Ask students to select 3-5 lines that clearly reflect KC's point of view or bias, and to read their lines aloud when you tap them on the shoulder. After all students have shared excerpts from their letters to the editor, interview them in role. Sample prompts: What is so special about this place? Can't you find another park KC? |
Assessment as Learning (AaL):Rules of Role Play
Set up a signal such as walking in the room and sitting in the special chair to signify that the role playing has begun and establish a "time out" signal to use if there is a need to come out of role and address a class or school issue. R.J. Hard worker should be portrayed as a person who needs the work in order to feed his/her family. Assessment for/as Learning (AfL/AaL)Post the class definition of 'bias', and revisit and revise the definition as their understanding grows.Track individual contributions for assessment purposes by recording student's initials beside the comment/idea they contributed. Critical Literacy Focus CLA critical literacy approach to reading invites students to pay attention to opinion, point of view and bias. Emphasize that texts are never neutral. All texts have bias, point of view, and intention. HyperlinkSee Think Literacy Cross-Curricular Approaches for suggestions for teaching using text references to make inferences. Differentiated Instruction (DI) Provide choice of writing or drawing in role as KC. Consider scribing for struggling writers, and/or provide an alternative option to writing such as recording a phone message that KC made to the newspaper. The letter does not have to be too long. Strong writers may want to write a half page, but a few sentences are fine for struggling writers. |
Approximately 10 minutes
Consolidation |
Notes/Assessment |
Individual > Exit CardInvite students to write their response to the following question on a cue card (you will collect these on their way out of this class). Prompt: In your own words, what does 'bias' mean? |
Assessment for Learning (AfL)Collect the exit cards and review for understanding of the concept of bias. |