Curriculum Expectations |
Learning Goals |
Drama1.1 Creating and Presenting: engage actively in drama exploration and role play with a focus on exploring drama structures, key ideas and pivotal moments in their own stories and stories from diverse communities, times and places |
DanceA1.1 Creating and Presenting: translate into dance a variety of movement sequences observed in nature A1.2 Creating and Presenting: use dance as a language to explore and communicate ideas derived from a variety of literature sources. |
Language1.7 Oral Communication: analyse oral texts and explain how specific elements in them contribute to meaning` 1.8 Oral Communication: identify the point of view presented in oral text and ask questions about possible bias 1.5 Reading: make inferences about texts using stated and implied ideas from the texts as evidence |
Materials |
BLM #15: Diary Entry/ Hot Seating Activity |
Approximately 10 minutes
Minds On |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Group > Warm-up ActivityPlay the game, Atom, where students move through the empty space until you say the words:" Atom" and a number, e.g., "Atom 4". Students then group themselves in a group that matches the number you have called out. Change the groupings, and encourage students to invite in and hide classmates who are left out, so that everyone is included. |
This activity will support students in creating different groupings and negotiating roles. |
Approximately 120 minutes
Action! |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Group > Introducing Activity CentresThe following lesson can be set up as activity centres or each activity could be done as a whole class lesson. Each activity centre scaffolds previous lessons, so the activities can be done independently, in small groups. It is recommended that each activity is explained thoroughly to the whole class before rotations begin and that the activity centre norms are posted and reviewed (see teacher notes for ideas). This lesson is a differentiated instruction (DI) experience where students are given the choice about which activities they would like to complete. Decide how many of the following centres students must visit. (We recommend that all students visit Centre Three, and then students have a choice about two other centres to visit). Each centre has a maximum number of students posted at the centre as well as a detailed instruction sheet (see BLM #15 - 19: Activity Centre Instructions). Centre One: BLM #15: Diary Entry/ Hot Seating Activity Centre Two: BLM #16: Radio Interview/Interviewing Activity Centre Three: BLM #17: Newspaper Article /BLM #17B Critical Thinking and Writing Centre Four: BLM #18: Diary Entry/Tableau Activity Centre Five: BLM #19: Movement Phrase Creation Small Group > Activity CentresGive approximately 20 - 30 minutes for each rotation. Check in with the students at each centre to answer their questions, to help them maintain focus, and to help them keep track of the time. |
Assessment as Learning(AaL)You can use BLM #8: Tableau Self-Assessment Checklist and BLM #12: Dance Self-Assessment Checklist again.Differentiated Instruction (DI)The Activity Centre structure differentiates the learning experience according to student interest.Review and post BLM #15-19: Activity Centre Instructions Post the following Activity Centre Norms:
Note for Centre Two: Teacher may want to refer to a Q-Chart with the class and discuss higher level thinking types of questions. |
Approximately 20 minutes
Consolidation |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Group > Introducing the RAFT StructureIntroduce what a RAFT is and discuss each heading (role, audience, format and topic). Explain that students choose form each column, according their interest. Individual > Writing in Role using RAFTDistribute copies and review role, audience, format, topic choices in BLM #20: Writing RAFT Extension Activity Activity. Invite students to choose from each column to structure their own writing choices. Collect student writing and select some samples that clearly convey different points of view. Invite these authors to share their writing at the beginning of the next class. |
Differentiated Instruction (DI)Use BLM #20: Writing RAFT Extension Activity to provide choice to students and to deepen understandings of multiple perspectives. |