Critical Learning

Guiding Questions

In this lesson, students explore the Character Education traits of Co-operation and Perseverance and relate it to their personal experiences, classroom community and world. Students work through an activity that demonstrates perseverance. Students respond to each others' work and express their understanding of the unit through the Helping Hands Mural.

What can I learn about the world from participating in drama?

What can I do in my life at home, at school, in the community to be helpful?

How do we feel when we help others? How do we encourage or convince others to be helpful?

Curriculum Expectations

Learning Goals

B1.1 engage in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring a variety of sources from diverse communities, times, and places

B1.2 demonstrate an understanding of the element of character by adopting thoughts, feelings, and gestures relevant to the role being played  

B1.3 plan and shape dramatic play by building on the ideas of others, both in and out of role

B2.1 express feelings and ideas about a drama experience or performance in a variety of ways, making personal connections to the characters and themes in the story

B2.2 demonstrate an understanding of how the element of character/role is used in shared classroom drama experiences and theatre to communicate meaning

B2.3 identify and give examples of their strengths, interests, and areas for improvement as drama participants and audience members 

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Explain the qualities of a respectful audience member
  • Collaborate, solve a problem, and test out the solution
  • Respond appropriately to others work
  • Consider how they are responsible and caring people

Instructional Components


Lessons 1-4.


Lessons 1-4.



Any board sponsored material that depicts its unique approach to Character Education (e.g. Character Matters)

Construction materials such as paper, straws, scissors, tape, etc.

Materials for book making (paper, crayons, etc.)

Story about friends and friendship 

Appendix #1 Character Education Bibliography

BLM #5 Helping Hand Outline


Approximately 15 minutes

Minds On

Pause and Ponder

Whole Class > Gesture Circle

Students stand in a large circle with the teacher and play "follow the leader." Model a gesture (e.g. touching your nose) and freeze it. Invite the student on the right to imitate the gesture. One by one, each student to the right imitates the same gesture, and freezes it so when the circle comes round to the teacher every one is in a frozen position. This repeats with the next child to the right and continues until every child has been the leader.

Once students are familiar with this process, repeat the activity, adding the component of music and low, medium and high levels learned in the previous lesson. Remind students of respect for others by ensuring that the movement is seamless and cooperating when someone takes over the lead. 

Whole Class > Being an Audience

As a class, create a list of the qualities of respectful audience behaviour (e.g. facing the performers, direct eye contact, attentive listening, applauding at the end, etc.) Teacher Prompts: Why is it important to show respect when people perform for one another? How can we show our respect when we perform for each other in class?

Split the class in half and have one group perform a gesture circle while the other half of the class models respectful audience behaviour. Then, switch so that both groups get to perform and watch.

Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Use modelling, observation and side coaching to assist students when creating their gesture circle. Use observation and side coaching to check student engagement and understanding during discussions

Assessment as Learning (AaL)

Observe students co-operative skills and ability to collaborate as they build the bridge. Side coach to assist them and challenge them in the activity.

Differentiation (DI)

Allow students to work in various size groups as needed.

Quick Tips

This lesson could be done in conjunction with older students e.g. Learning Buddies.

Giving the student a time limit adds tension to the perseverance activity.

This initiative could take place over a three or four week period. Ensure that each student in the class receives a 'helping hand' as the project unfolds.

Decide with the class whether it is the teacher only who observes kind behaviour, or can someone report a kind deed that was done to them by someone in the class.

Have students decorate their "helping hand."

Approximately 30 minutes


Whole Class  > Reading and Discussion 

Read a story book about friendship and friends (see Appendix #1 Character Education Bibliography for suggestions). As a class discuss how the characters in this story were kind and respectful of one another. Teacher Prompts: How do we know that they were friends? In what ways did these friends cooperate? How does this story compare to The Little Red Hen?

Small Group > Building a Bridge

Form students into mixed ability groups of 3 or 4. Give each group a variety of construction materials (e.g. straws, paper clips, construction paper, tape, scissors etc.). Students, in role as bridge builders, are to construct a bridge. Their goal is to have a toy car roll across the bridge. Members of the group are to work collaboratively to construct the bridge in ten minutes.

Whole Class > Role Play with Teacher in Role

Assume the teacher in role as the manager of a company coming to inspect the bridges. Pose questions to the students about the bridge and the construction. After ten minutes, have students try out their bridges to see if they in fact can roll the car across them.

Whole Class > Debrief

Out of role, discuss the experience with the class. 

Key Questions for Discussion:

Did you work well with your friends?

How successful were you at respecting the ideas of others?

Did you have a chance to help your friends build parts of the bridge?

What character education traits did you demonstrate? (e.g. respect, responsibility, etc.)

Approximately 15 minutes


Whole class > Helping Hands Mural

Inform students that together the class is going to create a "Helping Hands" mural over a period of time. Tell students that they are each going to be awarded a Helping Hand (BLM#5) when you see them doing an act of kindness or respect. Students can review some things that they can do or say to their friends that would show kindness or respect. When awarded a 'helping hand', students can write or draw what they did to receive the award.

For the helping hands give students a written prompt such as: I was kind when...