
In this unit, students explore through a variety of drama strategies Character Education traits such as Kindness, Empathy and Respect. Using a familiar tale, students will have opportunities to make personal connections and build comprehension in response to the story. As they explore these traits the students will share personal experiences and make connections to the classroom community and the world.


In this unit, students will participate in a variety of drama activities that explore the Character Education traits of Kindness, Respect, and Empathy. Students will tell personal stories and use tableau and movement to represent these stories and examples of these traits. Students and teacher will engage in whole group role play to problem solve and explore the perspectives of other characters to deepen their understanding of kindness, friendship and helping others.

Overall Expectations

B1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to dramatic play and process drama, using the elements and conventions of drama to communicate feelings, ideas, and stories

B2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of drama works and experiences

Unit Guiding Questions

Why is it important to be kind to others?

How can I be kind and empathetic and respectful in my own life?

How does working in drama help me to better understand these traits?

How or to whom do I ask for help and support and kindness?

Lesson Guiding Questions

Lesson 1: Kindness

In what ways are we kind to others?

How might we demonstrate kindness?

Lesson 2: Kindness and Respect

How can we help others solve problems? 

How does role playing help us to better understand kindness and respect?

Lesson 3: Empathy

How does role playing help us to solve problems when someone asks for help?

How do I better understand someone by empathizing with their situation?

Lesson 4: Dramatizing a story about Kindness and Respect

Why is co-operating with others important when dramatizing a story?

How can I be respectful of my friends?

Lesson 5: Co-operation and Responsibility

What can I learn about the real world from doing drama?

How do we feel when we help others?

How do we encourage or convince others to be helpful?


Assessment and Evaluation: How will students demonstrate their learning?

Assessment for Learning

Observation of students in discussion, both in whole group and pairs, to determine prior knowledge and understanding of concepts.

Examine representation of ideas through art.

Assessment as Learning

Check Point #1/Lesson 1

Anecdotal Observation and Side Coaching
Tableau Rubric

Check Point #2/Lesson 2

Anecdotal Observation and Side Coaching
Role-play rubric 

Check Point #3/Lesson  3 

Anecdotal Observation and Side Coaching
Role Play Rubric 

Check Point #4 /Lesson 4

Anecdotal Observation and Side Coaching
Tableau Rubric

Check Point #5 /Lesson 5

Anecdotal Observation and Side Coaching
Participation Checklist
Role-play Rubric

Assessment of learning

Culminating Performance Activity 

Students will be assessed at the end of each lesson using a variety of Rubrics and Checklists. Students will be assessed at the end of the unit using the Checklist for Participation.


Unit Lessons: How will assessment and instruction be organized for learning?

Approx. Duration 1 class=_55__ minutes
Lesson 1


Students explore the Character Education trait of Kindness and relate it to their personal experiences, classroom community and world.  Students explore the convention of tableau, creating an imaginary setting where examples of Kindness are shared. In tableau, students will focus on being able to freeze on a signal, express ideas and feelings and use levels.

1 class


Lesson 2

Kindness and Respect

Students continue to explore Kindness and relate it to their personal experiences, classroom community and world.  They will demonstrate how to be respectful participants and audience members through listening and responding to a story. The students will go into role to solve a problem.

1 class


Lesson 3


Students explore the Character Education trait of Empathy and relate it to their personal experiences, classroom community and world.  The students will explore the concept by playing a cooperative game and engaging in a whole group role play. Out of role, students will brainstorm answers to key questions and apply their ideas in role.

1 class


Lesson 4

Dramatizing a Story about Kindness and Respect

Students explore the Character Education trait of Responsibility and relate it to their personal experiences, classroom community and world. The students will engage in tableau work, illustrating chores that they can be responsible for in the classroom. Students will discuss their participation in drama by completing a Star and a Wish activity.

1 class


Lesson 5

Co-operation and Responsibility

Students explore the Character Education trait of Perseverance and relate it to their personal experiences, classroom community and world.  Students will work through the creative process by creating a structure from limited materials. They will discuss how they had to persevere to complete the task. Finally they will create a "Helping Hands Mural" to express their learning about kindness, respect, co-operation and empathy. 

1 class


Total Classes

5 classes