Critical Learning

Guiding Questions

Students will use the drama conventions learned throughout the unit to illustrate their community's journey from its creation to the present and to determine what happens after the final community meeting. Students will be able to reflect on their performance and the work of others using the critical analysis process. Students will articulate what worked effectively and what could be improved and have an opportunity to re-work their presentations.
How do communities work together to solve problems?
What obstacles might they face?
How might we create a final dramatic performance using what we have learned in the, unit while illustrating what happens after the final town hall meeting?

Learning Goals


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • create a dramatic performance that illustrates the next installment in the story
  • incorporate a variety of drama conventions learned throughout the unit into a final performance 
  • reflect on the journey they have taken personally and their characters have taken over the duration of the unit

Students will take some time to read back through their response journals to remind them of what they have explored and learned.  Create a list of conventions that were used throughout the unit.  If needed, walk students through the list for reminders. Review the steps of the creative and critical analysis processes and post them in the classroom for students to refer to as needed.

Instructional Components


Think Pair Share / Réfléchir-partager-discuter
Mind Map / Carte heuristique
Terminology used in Lessons 1-4 / Vocabulaire des leçons 1 à 4


Overhead projector or document camera
Various props and technological tools for performance (e.g. material piece, scarves, spotlight, CD player)
Response journals
Small pieces (4 x 5) of card stock
Round container


Approximately 10  minutes

Minds On 

Pause and Ponder

Whole Class > Think Pair Share > Mind Map

Share favourite moments from the process drama explored in Lessons 1-4 using the think pair share literacy strategy.  Replay a community building game from the beginning of the unit. Create a mind map of favourite moments, drama strategies and learning.
Assessment of Learning (AoL)
Use PDF#12 Culminating Task Rubric  to evaluate student performances or create a new rubric as a class.
Assessment as Learning (AaL)

Use the Wish for the Future reflection exercise to consolidate student thinking on the issues presented in this unit.

Differentiation (DI)
Allow students to work in small groups to create mind map to ensure all voices are heard. 
Offer an option of videotaping the performance and watch it with the class before reflection.
Quick Tip
To create a 'spotlight' effect, use an overhead projector and a piece of paper with a circle cut out.
Link and Layer
Make a list on chart paper of all of the conventions students have experienced in the unit for students to reference. 
Revisit the forum theatre techniques from the previous lesson.
Approximately 120 minutes


Whole Class > Introduction of the Culminating Task

Copy PDF#11 Culminating Task Outline and Planning Chart and PDF#12 Culminating Task Rubric onto overheads so students can follow along as you walk them through the requirements.  Allow students to ask questions now and throughout the various stages of the creative process to ensure their success. 
Students will work through the stages at various paces.  Hold students accountable for productivity, but do not rush them through the stages. Throughout the various stages, scaffold and side coach as necessary.  Pull the class together for small mini-lessons (e.g., staging, vocal techniques, prop use) as needed. 
Outline the Creative Process and the steps of the Culminating Activity:
Imagining and Generating
Groups will create a series of three tableaux that depicts the journey of their characters from the beginning until this point in time.  Tableaux can be as a group, individual or a combination of the two. Tableaux are each brought to life in a simple role play as outlined in PDF#11
Planning and Focusing
From the review of what has already taken place, students now see into the future and create the next chapter.  Using the forum theatre technique from Lesson 4, students will transition from the tableaux sequence into a group conversation.  Students will re-create forum theatre to show what might happen in the future in their community.
Exploring and Experimenting
Layer in effective use of music. Provide a variety of instrumental music used throughout the unit that students may use to enhance their performance. When conferencing with students, ask them to explain their choices. Provide rehearsal time, while side coaching groups as they scaffold their tableaux, role play, forum theatre role play, and music.
Revising and Refining
When conferencing, encourage students to revise and refine their work through each stage.  For the final piece, students will create a final tableau and caption that illustrates how the situation ends.  Each individual (or on mass as a group) will then decide on a word or phrase that describes how they feel before refining their work for presentations.
Approximately 50 minutes


Presenting and Reflecting
After allowing sufficient amount of time for preparation and rehearsal, allow students to showcase their dramatic pieces for others to enjoy.  Following each performance, have audience members complete PDF#13 Two Stars and a Wish or reflect in their journals.
As a final activity to bring closure to the unit, give each student a piece of card stock.  Students are able to cut the paper into a shape or figure that illustrates how they have felt about the entire process.  They may think as themselves or as their character.  On the shape, they should write a word or phrase. This should be a wish for the future; something they hope to see happen between these two communities.  One at a time, students come up to the front and drop the pieces in a round container, symbolic of a wishing well.  When they drop it in, they may wish to say their phrase aloud or silently to themselves.