Critical Learning |
Guiding Questions |
In this lesson, students will learn the specific skills necessary to collaborate in an improvised scene. This lesson is intended as an introduction to improvisation and as a way to lay the groundwork and create the culture of the course. Students will explore the three key skills:
Students will play a series of games that will explore the above ideas and help them to see how they facilitate collaboration in improvisation. |
Why are games used to teach improv skills? How does willingness or enthusiasm to play affect others? How does a "sense of play" help make improvised scenes successful? |
Curriculum Expectations |
Learning Goals |
B3.2 Identify problem-solving techniques they have learned through drama activities and explain how they can be applied in work and other social contexts C3.1 Identify and follow safe and ethical practices in all drama activities C3.3 Observe correct theatre and audience etiquette in classroom drama work and formal performance contexts |
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Instructional Components |
ReadinessStudents should have an understanding of role-playing and the difference between playing oneself and playing a character. Students should have a basic understanding of improvisation including the concept of agreement and saying "yes, and." This lesson is meant to be an introductory lesson to set the groundwork for the course. Little prior knowledge should be necessary. Students may create or be familiar with classroom conventions for starting and/or stopping scenes by. For example, calling "curtain" or "scene", or by freezing action into a tableau. TerminologyAgreement |
MaterialsCreate an Anchor Chart on large chart paper that says the following:
Exit Cards with the question:Which of the three rules do you feel is the most important and why? |
Approximately 10 minutes
Minds On |
Pause and Ponder |
Whole Class > DiscussionRefer to the anchor chart. Engage in a discussion about the three rules. Teacher Prompts:How many have experience with improvisation? |
Assessment for Learning (AfL)In initial discussion, find out how much experience and what their knowledge of improvisation is. Clarify terms 'associated' and 'disassociated'. Have students write a list of "rules" for improvisation prior to giving them the list on the anchor chart. Assessment as Learning (AaL)Link assessment and instruction. Differentiation (DI)Have students write down a list of words in advance of word dissociation. Help students with listing parts of larger objects, or finding ways to make connections between words. Instruct students to write down their words on a piece of paper and pass it back and forth with their partner, each writing down a different word that is dissociated. Quick TipWhen playing the games, focus on clarifying the game rules as they relate to the three rules on the anchor chart. Play Trios having students freeze in tableau. Link and LayerExplore how the three rules relate to collaborative skills in other classes, in the workplace, family situations or in the dramatic arts. It should be noted that Improvisation can be an ideal mode for exploring social justice themes and environmental issues. |
Approximately 40 minutes
Action! |
Pairs > Word Dissociation/AssociationIn partners, play a word dissociation game. Partner A says a word. Partner B says a word that is unassociated. This continues back and forth until one of the words spoken is related to a word that the other person has spoken. The following rules must be adhered to:
Have students play the same game again, but this time with the words associated. Discuss why one is more difficult than the other. Explore how this relates to rule number one, and how saying "the first thing that comes to your head" is not random, but can be rooted in the ideas of others. Whole Class > Stepping CircleHave students stand in a tight circle, shoulder-to-shoulder and take three steps out so that they are now in a larger circle. Their goal is to get each participant in the circle to take three steps into the circle so that the whole group is once again shoulder-to-shoulder. There are several rules that must be followed or the group starts over again:
Side coach students as needed: "If somebody else is trying to take a step, pull back." "Put everybody else ahead of yourself." "Remember that the group must reach the centre, not just yourself." Whole Class > TriosHave students stand in a circle:
Approximately 20 minutes
Consolidation |
Whole Class > DiscussionHow do the games relate to the three rules? How do these rules help to facilitate an improvised scene? How do these rules help to facilitate a strong classroom dynamic? How do these rules help to make the class feel safe and a place where everybody can take risks and make mistakes? How is the second rule a big risk for both the teacher and players? Exit Card (AfL)Which of the three rules do you feel is the most important and why? |