Games featured here have been used by drama practitioners, educators, and artists in various formats for many years. If we have sourced a game from a specific website, it is credited at the end of the game description.

Most of these games can be adapted up or down with the right supports (e.g., supporting scripts or sentence stems for younger students). Use your professional judgment about whether these games are right for your group.

Most French translations and language supports were generously provided by Adriana Alfano, OCT.

For further information about teaching Improvisation, check out the following resources:

Game Name
Skill Focus
Recommended Panel

Yes Let's! / Oui, allons-y !

Sending and Accepting Offers, Mime, Generating Ideas, Establishing Setting & Roles


Five Things / Cinq choses !

Sending & Accepting Offers, Generating Ideas


I have... you have... / J'ai ... tu as ...

Sending & Accepting Offers, Mime, Language Structures


Happy Birthday / Bonne fête

Sending & Accepting Offers, Mime


Problems & Objects / Des problèmes et des objets

Sending & Accepting Offers, Problem-solving, Making connections


What are you doing? I see what you're doing! / Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? Je vois ce que tu fais

Sending & Accepting Offers, Generating Ideas, Mime


What are you doing in my garden ? / Que fais-tu dans mon jardin ?

Sending & Accepting Offers, Generating Ideas, Concentration


I am a Tree / Je suis un arbre

Sending & Accepting Offers, Generating Ideas, Establishing Setting


The Advertising Game / Le jeu de la publicité

Sending & Accepting Offers, Generating Ideas, Collaboration


Eyewitness Gibberish (Foreign Film)

Sending & Accepting Offers, Miming, Generating Ideas, Collaboration, Problem-Solving


Park Bench

Problem-Solving, Achieving an Objective, Developing Role


Three-Headed Expert

Sending & Accepting Offers, Active Listening, Collaboration


Mad, Sad, Glad

Blocking, Stage Direction, Levels, Concentration, Risk-Taking


Send & Accept

Eye Contact, Collaboration, Group Mind, Concentration


The Gift

Sending & Accepting Offers, Miming, Raising the Stakes
