Critical Learning

  • Using peer and teacher feedback will improve the dance piece.
  • Dance can be a powerful tool to communicate a message about social justice.

Guiding Questions

Questions directrices

  • How can peer and teacher feedback be used to guide the revision process?
  • How can dance make a statement about social justice issues?
  • Comment les commentaires des camarades et de l'enseignant.e peuvent-ils être utilisés pour guider le processus de révision ?
  • Comment la danse peut-elle s'exprimer sur les questions de justice sociale ?

Learning Goals

Buts d'apprentissage

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • revise and refine their work based on peer and teacher feedback
  • present a dance piece about a social justice issue

A la fin de cette leçon, les élèves seront capables :

  • de réviser et d'affiner leur travail en s'appuyant sur les commentaires de leurs pairs et de l'enseignant.e
  • de présenter une pièce de danse sur une question de justice sociale

Instructional Components


Students should be comfortable presenting in front of their peers and should have some experience using peer and teacher feedback to revise their work.

Terminology // Terminologie

  • Body
  • Space
  • Time
  • Energy
  • Relationship
  • Criteria
  • Le corps
  • L'espace
  • Le temps
  • L'énergie
  • Relation
  • Critères


  • Dance journals/exit cards
  • PDF#1 Rubric (sample - adjust as needed based on co-constructed criteria)
Approximately 20 minutes

Minds On //
Esprit en marche

Pause and Ponder

Whole Class > Revisiting the Criteria

Remind students of the criteria for success (See PDF#1 Rubric for a sample).
Assessment for Learning (AfL)

While students are preparing to present, circulate and side coach students as necessary to ensure that they are able to rework their piece using the suggestions given.

Assessment as Learning (AaL)

Student reflections at the end of the unit.
Student use of feedback to revise and refine their dance pieces.

Assessment of Learning (AoL)

Final evaluation of the dance pieces will be done with a rubric (See PDF#1 Rubric). Note that the rubric includes evaluation not only of the final dance piece, but also the various stages of the creative process. This is ensure that consideration is given to all aspects of the students' work and not just the final dance piece.

Quick Tip

If students are presenting to music, ensure that they have been practising with the music prior to performance.

Hyperlinks in the Lesson

CODE resource: Teaching Audience Etiquette // Enseigner comment être bon public

Approximately 30 minutes


Small Group > Revising and Refining their Dance Pieces

Give students time to revise their dance pieces based on the peer and teacher feedback the received during the previous class. Circulate and side coach as necessary.

Whole Class > Sharing of Dance Pieces

Remind students of appropriate audience etiquette. One at a time, ask groups to share their final dance pieces. Remind students to share the issue that was the stimulus for their dance before they begin their presentation. It may be helpful to give students a countdown to signal when it is time for them to begin (e.g., 5, 6, 7, 8).

Approximately 5-10 minutes


Individual > Reflection //
Individuel > Réflexion

The student reflection could be done in a dance journal or as an exit card. Ask students to answer the following questions:
  • What was the issue you selected as a stimulus?
  • How did you use the elements of dance to communicate that issue? (Pick 2-3 examples from the choreography)
  • What did you find the most challenging about the creative process? Why?
  • What would you do differently next time? Why?
Questions clés pour la discussion
  • Quel est le thème que vous avez choisi comme stimulus ?
  • Comment avez-vous utilisé les éléments de la danse pour communiquer cette question ? (Choisissez 2 ou 3 exemples dans la chorégraphie)
  • Qu'est-ce qui vous a semblé le plus difficile dans le processus de création ? Pourquoi ?
  • Que feriez-vous différemment la prochaine fois ? Pourquoi ?