
In this unit, students will use the elements of dance to communicate a message about a social justice issue. Through guided exploration and small group choreography students will learn how dance can be used to communicate a message.

A demonstration video of students participating in activities from this unit can be found here.


In this unit, students will use social justice issues as a stimulus for dance. Through movement activities, students will explore power in relationships and how the elements of dance can be used to communicate. In small groups, students will create a dance piece about a chosen social justice issue, using flocking to help convey their message. Students will have a chance to receive peer and teacher feedback and then use that feedback to rework their dance piece prior to the final performance.

Unit Guiding Questions //
Questions directrices de l'unité

  • How can the elements of dance and choreographic forms be used to communicate a message about social justice?
  • Comment les éléments de la danse et les formes chorégraphiques peuvent-ils être utilisés pour communiquer un message sur la justice sociale ?

Lesson Guiding Questions

Lesson 1 - Exploring Global Issues //
Leçon 1 - Explorer les problèmes mondiaux
  • What are the elements of dance?
  • How can the elements of dance be used to convey an idea?
  • What global issues are important to us?
  • Quels sont les éléments de la danse ?
  • Comment les éléments de la danse peuvent-ils être utilisés pour transmettre une idée ?
  • Quelles sont les questions mondiales qui nous tiennent à cœur ?
Lesson 2 - Power in Relationships //
Leçon 2 - La puissance dans les relations
  • How can the element of relationship be used to demonstrate power (and victimization)?
  • Comment l'élément de la relation peut-il être utilisé pour démontrer le pouvoir (et la victimisation) ?
Lesson 3 – Responding to an Issue through Dance //
Leçon 3 - Répondre à un problème par la danse
  • How can the elements of dance be combined to communicate an intended message?
  • How can flocking be used to enhance the message of a dance piece?
  • Comment les éléments de la danse peuvent-ils être combinés pour communiquer un message ?
  • Comment le flocage peut-il être utilisé pour renforcer le message d'une pièce de danse ?
Lesson 4 – Sharing Works in Progress //
Leçon 4 - Partager les travaux en cours
  • Why is it important to give feedback during the creative process?
  • How can we use peer feedback to improve a dance piece?
  • Pourquoi est-il important de donner de la rétroaction au cours du processus de création ?
  • Comment utiliser les commentaires des camarades pour améliorer une pièce de danse ?
Lesson 5 – Culminating Task: A Dance Piece about a Social Justice Issue //
Leçon 5 - Tâche finale : Une pièce de danse sur une thématique de justice sociale
  • How can peer and teacher feedback be used to guide the revision process?
  • How can dance make a statement about social justice issues?
  • Comment les commentaires des camarades et de l'enseignant.e peuvent-ils être utilisés pour guider le processus de révision ?
  • Comment la danse peut-elle s'exprimer sur les questions de justice sociale ?


Assessment and Evaluation: How will students demonstrate their learning?

Assessment of learning

Culminating Performance Task

The creative process and the final dance piece will be evaluated using co-constructed criteria.

Assessment for Learning

Lesson 1/Checkpoint #1


Lesson 2/Checkpoint #2


Lesson 3/Checkpoint #3


Lesson 4/Checkpoint #4

Peer feedback
Teacher feedback

Lesson 5/Checkpoint #5



Unit Lessons: How will assessment and instruction be organized for learning?

Approx. Duration 1 class= 50


Lesson 1

Leçon 1

Exploring Global Issues //
Explorer les problèmes mondiaux

Students brainstorm and discuss a variety of global issues that will later become the stimulus for dance.

1 class

Lesson 2

Leçon 2

Power in Relationships //
La puissance dans les relations

Students will use mirroring and the Magic Hand activities to explore power in relationships. They will explore how their participation in these movement activities links to the role of power in global issues and how power can be communicated through  movement.

1 class

Lesson 3

Leçon 3

Responding to an Issue through Dance //
Répondre à un problème par la danse

Students will choose one of the global issues brainstormed and use it as a stimulus for creating a dance piece.

2 classes

Lesson 4

Leçon 4

Sharing Works in Progress //
Partager les travaux en cours

Students will share their works in progress and, based on peer a teacher feedback, devise a plan on how they will refine their dance piece prior to evaluation.

1-2 classes

Lesson 5

Leçon 5

Culminating Task: A Dance Piece about a Social Justice Issue //
Tâche finale : Une pièce de danse sur une thématique de justice sociale

Students will revise and refine their dance piece and present it for evaluation.

1-2 classes