Refer to Appendix 1 for Curriculum Expectations.

Learning Goals

Buts d'apprentissage


I can:

  • use different actions, feelings and gestures when I adopt a role
  • role-play a community helper to better understand how this role is important in a community
L'art dramatique

Je peux :

  • utiliser différentes actions, sentiments et gestes lorsque j'adopte un rôle
  • jouer le rôle d'une aide communautaire pour mieux comprendre l'importance de ce rôle au sein d'une communauté

I can:

  • explore the body shapes a community member might use in different situations when helping someone or being helped by another

Je peux :

  • explorer les formes corporelles qu'un membre de la communauté peut utiliser dans différentes situations lorsqu'iel aide quelqu'un.e ou qu'iel est aidé par quelqu'un.e d'autre.

I can:

  • identify and describe different roles in my community, using talk, role play and simple media texts (images)
  • begin to infer the roles of different community members from their actions and words
  • begin to identify community helpers' point of view using role play
  • identify that different types of people can take on diverse types of roles in my community
  • identify messages in simple media texts such as photographs
  • identify who community helpers are in my neighbourhood and how they help me

Je peux :

  • identifier et décrire différents rôles dans ma communauté, en utilisant la parole, les jeux de rôle et des textes médiatiques simples (images)
  • commencer à inférer les rôles des différents membres de la communauté à partir de leurs actions et de leurs paroles
  • commencer à identifier le point de vue des membres de la communauté à l'aide de jeux de rôle
  • identifier que différents types de personnes peuvent jouer différents types de rôles dans ma communauté
  • identifier des messages dans des textes médiatiques simples tels que des photographies
  • identifier les personnes qui aident la communauté dans mon quartier et la façon dont elles m'aident


Approximately 15 minutes

Minds On // L'esprit en marche


Whole Group > Exploring an Image

Gather students in front of the photographs of a working classroom community. Invite students to "read the image" and talk to an elbow partner about what they are viewing.
Prompt: Who do you see? What is happening here? What actions are taking place?  How do you know? What kind of jobs are they doing?
Invitation : Qui vois-tu ? Que se passe-t-il ici ? Quelles sont les actions en cours ?  Comment le sais-tu ? Quel genre de travail font-iels ?
Invite students to share their observations.
Prompt: What is this place?
Invitation : Quel est cet endroit ?
On a piece of chart paper, write the word classroom community in the centre. In a brainstorm web, record their ideas and prior knowledge.
Whole Group > Guided Narration > Exploration of Levels
Explain to students that this short exercise is an exploration of levels: high, medium, low. Direct students to find their own personal space in the classroom and paint a circle around their space with their foot to ensure space to move.
Teacher Narration
Imagine you are picking carrots in the garden. Crouch down and dig out the carrots from the ground. Get really low and grab the carrots to get them out. Put them in the basket. Now, imagine you are picking juicy, red raspberries off of the bushes. Kneel at a medium level and pick the berries. Reach into  the back of the bushes. Be careful not to be pricked by the thorns! Now, reach up into an apple tree nearby to pick some apples. How high are the apples? Can you reach them? Way up, stretch to get a great big one on top!
Narration de l'enseignant.e :
Imaginez que tu cueilles des carottes dans le jardin. Accroupis-toi et retire les carottes du sol. Descends très bas et attrape les carottes pour les sortir. Mets-les dans le panier. Maintenant, imagine que tu cueilles des framboises rouges et juteuses dans les buissons. Agenouille-toi à un niveau moyen et cueille les baies. Tend la main vers l'arrière des buissons. Attention à ne pas te faire piquer par les épines ! Maintenant, tend la main vers un pommier qui se trouve à proximité pour cueillir des pommes. Quelle est la hauteur des pommes ? Peux-tu les atteindre ? Tout en haut, étire-toi pour cueillir une grosse pomme !
(Vocabulaire pour le pré-enseignement : cueillir, juteux, framboises, pommes, baies, buisson, s'accroupir, creuser, panier, piquer, épines)

Teacher Modeling > Think-Aloud > Statue

Using the think-aloud strategy, select one of the classroom community roles identified by the students. Model the thoughts and considerations you engage in as you create a statue of a classroom community role, with a particular focus on levels and clarity of action. Stay frozen, modeling strong focus and clarity of communication through gesture and facial expression. Invite the students to share their observations of your statue.

Whole Group > Preliminary Success Criteria for Statues

Co-construct success criteria for statues with the students and display for student reference. Share examples from PDF#1: Sample Statue Success Criteria to guide the class.

Whole Group > Individual Statues //
Groupe entier > Statues individuelles

Ask the students to close their eyes and imagine one of the other roles in a classroom community. On a five count, direct students to freeze in a statue of that helper, with a focus on choice of level and clarity of action.
Demandez aux élèves de fermer les yeux et d'imaginer l'un des autres rôles de la communauté de la classe. Au bout de cinq minutes, demandez aux élèves de figer une statue de cette aide, en mettant l'accent sur le choix du niveau et la clarté de l'action.
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Exploring an Image
Listen to students for their prior knowledge of a classroom community. List their observations on an anchor chart.
Co-construct success criteria for statues, following the think-aloud and teacher modelling.
Assessment as Learning (AaL)
Have students monitor the effectiveness of their statues by referring to the co-constructed success criteria and by encouraging them to ask themselves questions in their minds like: Am I using my whole body to make my shape?
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Observe students as they explre the levels in statues. Side-coach and remind the students of the success criteria.
Unit Work
Maintain a Community Helper Pocket Folder to hold individual written and visual work samples for the whole unit.
Have pre-established "dance/drama spots" in the room for students to go to; these can change over time.
Approximately 70 minutes



Whole Group > Defining Community > Hearing a Community Story

Lead a whole class discussion about the elements of a community. Use Appendix 2: Community Concept Chart // Annexe 2 - Tableau des concepts de la communauté  to determine students' prior knowledge and understanding about community. Also use the concept chart to generate a working definition of community and brainstorm what they would like to learn about community.
Next, read the community story to the class (Appendix 3: Community Story // Annexe 3 - Histoire de la communauté) and ask them to listen for anything new that they learned from the story about community that is not on the chart. 
Prompt: How is our classroom community like our community at large? 
Invitation : En quoi la communauté de notre classe ressemble-t-elle à notre communauté au sens large ?
Consider extending the discussion with a Venn Diagram on an anchor chart comparing the similarities and differences, or include our classroom community as an example on the Appendix 2: Community Concept Chart // Annexe 2 - Tableau des concepts de la communauté
Invitation : En quoi la communauté de notre classe ressemble-t-elle à la communauté dans son ensemble ? Envisagez de prolonger la discussion par un diagramme de Venn sur un tableau d'ancrage comparant les similitudes et les différences, ou incluez la communauté de notre classe comme exemple sur le BLM #1 : Tableau du concept de communauté.

Whole Group > Pairs > Sharing Circle //
Groupe entier > Paires > Cercle de partage

Prompt: Who are the community helpers in the story we just read? Who are the helpers  in our community?  CL Can you think of other community helpers that were not mentioned in this story?
Invitation : Qui sont les personnes qui aident la communauté dans l'histoire que nous venons de lire ? Qui sont les aides dans notre communauté ?  CLPeux-tu penser à d'autres aides communautaires qui n'ont pas été mentionnées dans cette histoire ?
Allow students time to discuss ideas with an elbow partner.
Laissez aux élèves le temps de discuter de leurs idées avec un partenaire.
Prompt: Who else helps to take care of the community? Who helps us when we have a problem?  Who can we learn from in our community? Whom do you know who is a ________? 
Invitation : Qui d'autre aide à prendre soin de la communauté ? Qui nous aide lorsque nous avons un problème ?  De qui pouvons-nous apprendre dans notre communauté ? Qui connais-tu qui est un ________ ?
Generate a class list on chart paper of names of roles in a community.  Ask students to think of family, friends, neighbors, etc. Invite students to share personal connections to community members they know (e.g., Mrs. Gibraldi, our cross walk guard). Expand the list by introducing additional roles such as social workers, religious leaders, Indigenous Elders, caregivers, step parents, etc. Generate a list and post as an anchor chart.
Dressez une liste de noms de personnes jouant un rôle dans la communauté sur une feuille de papier.  Demandez aux élèves de penser à leur famille, à leurs amis, à leurs voisins, etc. Invitez les élèves à faire part de leurs liens personnels avec des membres de la communauté qu'ils connaissent (par exemple, Mme Giraldi, la gardienne de notre passage piéton). Élargissez la liste en introduisant d'autres rôles tels que les travailleurs sociaux, les chefs religieux, les aînés autochtones, les soignants, les beaux-parents, etc.
Expand upon their concept of a community by asking the following:
Prompt: What are the responsibilities of a community? How do you rely on your community? (e.g., support with basic needs, ensuring safety, providing transportation, recreation, employment etc.)
Invitation : Quelles sont les responsabilités d'une communauté ? Comment peut-on compter sur sa communauté ? (par exemple, soutien pour les besoins de base, garantie de la sécurité, transport, loisirs, emploi, etc.)
Teacher Narrative:

We are going to learn about the different people that make up our community outside of our school. Who works in the store? the bank? the fire station? Do you know someone in these roles?  CL Think about how we all rely on each other. By the end of the unit, you will have a chance to play a part in our community and solve important problems. Start to think about who you might like to pretend to be.

Narration de l'enseignant.e :

Nous allons apprendre à connaître les différentes personnes qui composent notre communauté en dehors de notre école. Qui travaille au magasin ? à la banque ? à la caserne de pompiers ? Connais-tu quelqu'un qui tient ces rôles ?  CL Réfléchissons à la façon dont nous dépendons tous les un.e.s des autres. À la fin de l'unité, tu auras l'occasion de jouer un rôle dans notre communauté et de résoudre des problèmes importants. Commence à réfléchir à qui tu aimerais prétendre être.

Whole Group > Enacting the Community Story //
Groupe entier > Mise en œuvre de l'histoire de la communauté

Using cushions or chairs, set up the classroom to mark the different locations mentioned in the little boy or girl's story that you read earlier. Have different students stand in each of the locales to represent the community helpers that s/he encountered on the journey. Invite a student to play the role of the child. In role as a narrator, retell the story and have the "child" walk through the classroom visiting each space as it's mentioned and interacting with the community helpers who are waiting for her along the way.

À l'aide de coussins ou de chaises, installez la salle de classe de manière à marquer les différents lieux mentionnés dans l'histoire du petit garçon ou de la petite fille que vous avez lue plus tôt. Demandez à différents élèves de se placer à chacun des endroits pour représenter les aides communautaires qu'il/elle a rencontrées au cours de son voyage. Invitez un élève à jouer le rôle de l'enfant. En tant que narrateur, racontez l'histoire et demandez à "l'enfant" de se promener dans la salle de classe en visitant chaque espace mentionné et en interagissant avec les aides communautaires qui l'attendent en chemin.

Pairs or Small Groups > Mapping the Community Story //
Par deux ou en petits groupes > Cartographier l'histoire de la communauté

In pairs or small groups, ask the students to map the events and people in the story by drawing them on the paper.
Par deux ou en petits groupes, demandez aux élèves de cartographier les événements et les personnages de l'histoire en les dessinant sur la feuille de papier.
Prompt: Who else might they have met? 
Invitation : Qui d'autre auraient-iels pu rencontrer ?
Invite the students to add new community helpers or places to their story map, adding their own ideas as they develop an understanding of community helpers.
Invitez les élèves à ajouter de nouvelles personnes ou de nouveaux lieux à leur carte de l'histoire, en y ajoutant leurs propres idées au fur et à mesure qu'ils acquièrent une meilleure compréhension des personnes qui aident la communauté.

Teacher Modelling > Statues of Community Helpers in Action //
Modélisation par l'enseignant > Statues d'aides communautaires en action

Adopt the role of a community helper from the anchor chart, and create a statue of that person. Model how to make connected body shapes by inviting a student to make a statue that relates to yours and begins to tell a community story. With your student partner, model how to collaborate and make artistic decisions together.
Prompts: Do you think we should each be at a different level? How can we make our action clearer for our audience? Do you think I should be looking at you, or should I look away?
Adoptez le rôle d'une personne qui aide la communauté dans le tableau d'ancrage et créez une statue à son effigie. Montrez comment créer des formes corporelles reliées entre elles en invitant un élève à créer une statue en rapport avec la vôtre et à commencer à raconter l'histoire de la communauté. Avec votre élève partenaire, montrez comment collaborer et prendre des décisions artistiques ensemble.
Invitations : Penses-tu que nous devrions tous être à un niveau différent ? Comment pouvons-nous rendre notre action plus claire pour notre public ? Penses-tu que je devrais te regarder ou que je devrais détourner le regard ?
Revisit the success criteria generated about statue work at the end of the Minds On activity. Add more elements to the chart, with a focus on partner statues.
Revenez sur les critères de réussite générés par le travail sur les statues à la fin de l'activité de l'Esprit en marche. Ajoutez d'autres éléments au tableau, en mettant l'accent sur les statues des partenaires.

Pairs > Statues

Ask the students to get into pairs and to to think of a pose for the role they've selected from the anchor chart, e.g., a crossing guard helping a student across the street.

Prompt: What does your community helper do?  What action might you show them doing?  Close your eyes and picture that person. Make a statue of that action.

Invitation : Que fait ton aide communautaire ?  Quelle action pourrais-tu lui montrer en train de faire ?  Ferme les yeux et imaginer cette personne. Fais une statue de cette action.

Allow time for students to experiment with different body shapes and positions to explore with their partner, using the success criteria. Give the students an opportunity to practice freezing, all at the same time, prior to presenting. Then have half of the class at a time share in their paired statues, inviting the students who are viewing to identify the roles that are being represented.  

Whole Group > Thought Tracking //
Groupe entier > Suivi de la pensée

Model thought tracking by inviting one pair to once again create their statue. (Select a pair that you can confidently rely on to model this strategy effectively.) Ask the students to speak aloud (in role) what they are thinking or feeling when you tap them on the shoulder, e.g., "Phew! This fire is so hot! I need to help put it out! I want to help! I hope everyone is out of the building!"
Ask the rest of the students to recreate their statues, and to decide what they might be thinking and feeling in action. Circulate around the room and tap them on the shoulder, indicating that they are to speak in role.

Small Group > Four Corners //
Petit groupe > Quatre coins

Post four signs with the following categories for the community roles:  Health, Safety, Learning, and Services (e.g. bus driver, gas attendant, real estate broker, chef, grocery store owner, retail cashier.
Affichez quatre affiches avec les catégories suivantes pour les rôles de la communauté :  Santé, Sécurité, Apprentissage et Services (par exemple, chauffeur de bus, pompiste, courtier immobilier, chef cuisinier, propriétaire d'une épicerie, caissier d'un magasin de détail).
After providing them with an example for each category, ask students to stand under the sign that they feel best represents the role they depicted for the frozen statue. Allow time for consideration, discussion and choice. Be sure to have pairs of roles represented under each category for clarity. Invite students to talk about the jobs they do.

Small Group > Statues and Interviewing in Role 

Invite the class to freeze in their connected statues again, this time by categories outlined above. Circulate amongst their statues, describe what you see and ask questions, inviting them to respond in role.
Teacher Questioning in Role:

"I see a nurse bandaging this child's arm. He appears to be a very caring nurse. What a brave little girl. How did you hurt your arm?  Who brought you to the hospital?  Do you like being a nurse?"

Have the next category of paired statues take position, and once again, describe what you see and interact with them in role.  

Questionnement de l'enseignant.e dans son rôle :

"Je vois un infirmier en train de bander le bras de cet enfant. Il a l'air d'être un infirmier très attentionné. Quelle petite fille courageuse. Comment t'es-tu blessée au bras ?  Qui t'a amenée à l'hôpital ?  Aimes-tu être infirmier ?"

Faites prendre position à la catégorie suivante de statues jumelées et, une fois encore, décrivez ce que vous voyez et interagissez avec elles en jouant leur rôle.

Assessment as/for Learning (AaL/AfL)
Use Appendix 2: Community Concept Chart  as a diagnostic assessment.
Assessment for Learning
Make anecdotal notes  about who is able to speak in role and who isn't so that you know who to side-coach more intentionally the next time role work is required.
Differentiated Instruction (DI)
Story Map Creation
  • Keep materials for re-enactment of story on the carpet for student reference as they draw their maps
  • sit with students with spatial difficulties and draw rough outline of locales and have students illustrate details, provide labels
  • draw a sample story map on the board for student reference
Four Corners Activity
Draw or glue an icon/graphic of an example of a community helper that might fit into each of the categories on the paper that's used to label the categories to help students who can't read/are unsure about where their helper belongs.

Assemble all unit materials in one area: anchor charts with definitions and success criteria, images of community roles, picture books, etc. Add to the display area on an ongoing basis. Include Just Right Level Community helper books in their browsing boxes/ book bag programs, e.g., Community Helpers from,
PM Benchmark: The Dentist, etc. (see Appendix 9).

Assessment as Learning (AaL)
Have students give peer feedback to each other using the updated success criteria anchor chart. 
Teacher Tip
Have a box with at least one prop or costume piece for the students to add to their character, such as a crossing guard vest, hard hat, apron etc.

CL This unit offers opportunities to challenge gender stereotypes. Ensure  that both genders are represented in a range of community roles.
A description of Thought Tracking can be found in the glossary of the Arts curriculum document.
Approximately 30 minutes



Pairs > Whole Group > Reflection and Discussion //
Paires > Groupe entier > Réflexion et discussion

Direct the students to discuss the following prompts in pairs and then lead a brief whole group discussion, calling on different pairs to respond.
Prompts: What did  _______ do with his/her body to show his role? How did moving our bodies in the shape of community helpers in action and pretending to talk like community helpers help us understand their roles?  What clues did you see and hear? Describe one pair that really communicated clearly. What success criteria did they show? Identify one community role that was shown that you feel is particularly important to a community and describe why.
Invitations : Qu'est-ce que _______ a fait avec son corps pour montrer son rôle ? Comment le fait de bouger notre corps pour prendre la forme d'aides communautaires en action et de faire semblant de parler comme des aides communautaires nous a-t-il aidés à comprendre leur rôle ?  Quels indices as-tu vus et entendus ? Décris une paire qui a vraiment communiqué clairement. Quels sont les critères de réussite dont iels ont fait preuve ? Identifie un rôle communautaire qui a été montré et qui, selon toi, est particulièrement important pour une communauté, et explique pourquoi.

Whole Group>Peer Feedback 

Lead a summary discussion about community roles.
Prompt: Why do we have community helpers? What might happen if we didn't? CLHow would the school yard be different? How would your home be different?
Display Appendix 4: Community Web on chart paper or on the whiteboard (e.g., project it onto the whiteboard and complete it with student answers), and ask for ideas of what type of people fit into each category on the chart, as well as how they help communities, and why they are important. Record all ideas. Post the completed web in the class as an anchor chart (consider taking a photo of your completed discussion and printing it out or saving it to project later). 

Individual > People I Can Rely On Hand //
Individu > Les personnes sur lesquelles je peux compter

Give students a blank piece of paper and ask them to trace their hands. Have students work in pairs as they record community helpers they rely on in their own community, in the fingers. Model for the students by showing them your hand of five people you rely on.
Assessment as Learning (AaL)
Invite students reflect on their own work and give feedback to others about their work.
Add the People I Can Rely On Hand artifact to the Community Helpers Pocket Folder. 
Differentiated Instruction (DI)
Encourage students who have difficulty writing to draw images of the helpers in the fingers of the hand.