Refer to Appendix 1 for Curriculum Expectations.

Learning Goals

Buts d'apprentissage

I can:
  • pretend to be a caring member of the community in our drama
 L'art dramatique

Je peux :

  • faire semblant d'être un membre bienveillant de la communauté dans notre drame en processus
I can:
  • use everyday actions as a starting point for creating interesting movement
  • create and present a series of movements in a small group
  • respond to dance critically
  • give and receive feedback

Je peux :

  • utiliser des actions quotidiennes comme point de départ pour créer des mouvements intéressants
  • créer et présenter une série de mouvements en petit groupe
  • réagir à la danse de manière critique
  • donner et recevoir de la rétroaction


Approximately 10 minutes

Minds On //
Esprit en marche


Whole Group > Pass the Movement //
Classe entière > Passer le mouvement

Invite students to join you at the carpet. Tell them that we're going to pretend that today is the day that we're going to clean up and repair the park. It's going to be hard work and our bodies need to be warmed up.
Gather the whole group in a circle and model a movement. Invite the students to repeat the movements that you initiate.  Pass a movement around the circle, with each student echoing your movement one at a time, so that the movement ripples around the circle. Next, invite students to make their own movements and pass them around the circle.  Encourage students to use their whole bodies, to exaggerate movements and to practise a variety of articulations (limp, extended, round, taut), as well as different levels.
L'enseignant.e dit :
  • Viens sur le tapis.
  • Nous allons faire comme si aujourd'hui était le jour du nettoyage et de la réparation du parc. Ce sera un travail difficile et nos corps ont besoin d'être échauffés.
  • Faire un cercle. (L'enseignant.e montre un mouvement.)
  • Répète mes mouvements un.e par un.e autour du cercle. Nous pouvons faire une vague de mouvements !
  • Maintenant, à tour de rôle, fais ton propre mouvement et fais-le circuler autour du cercle.
  • Utilise tout ton corps. Essaie d'atteindre différents niveaux. Utilise différents types de mouvements (mou, étendu, rond, serré).
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Give specific feedback to students, using the vocabulary of the elements of movement. In particular, focus on body shapes. Refer back and ad to the Movement chart started in Lesson 2.
Approximately 100 minutes



Whole Group > Problem Review > Generating Movements

Tell students that fixing the park is going to require action and that instead of just pretending to go and repair each of the problems in the park, we're going to dance the problems away! Tell them that first they're going to come up with some movement as a class and later they'll have a chance to work in groups to address the problems one by one in their own dances.
L'enseignant.e dit :
  • Pour réparer le parc, nous devons agir !
  • Au lieu de faire semblant d'aller réparer chacun des problèmes du parc, nous allons les faire disparaître en dansant !
  • Tout d'abord, nous allons proposer des mouvements à la classe.
  • Plus tard, tu peux créer ton propre danse pour résoudre un problème dans un petit groupe.
Take out the chart of problems and solutions created as a class at the beginning of the Action section in Lesson 5.   
Ask students to find a spot on the carpet facing you with enough room for their arms to be extended to either side.
One by one, go through each problem and isolate 3 or 4 verbs or actions that could go along with how you said you would fix the problem. For example, a broken bench is fixed by sawing wood, hammering nails and painting the wood. Call out the verb/action and have the whole class join you as you bring this movement to life. 
Quickly jot down the chosen movements beside the problem on your chart to help you and the students remember before moving on to the next problem.
Once you've developed and recorded some generic movements for each problem as a whole class, divide the class into groups of 4 or 5 with each group being responsible for one problem (e.g., one group cleans graffiti, one group plants a garden, one group rebuilds a fence).
Tell each group to use the following structure to develop a dance.  Post the structure on the wall in the room.
Dance Structure
  1. Create an opening pose to show the problem
  2. Do your first action to the count of 8 in unison
  3. Do your second action to the count of 8 in unison
  4. Do your third action to the count of 8 in unison
  5. Create a closing pose to show how happy you are that it's fixed
Structure de la danse
  1. Créer une pose d'ouverture pour montrer le problème
  2. Faire la première action en comptant jusqu'à 8 à l'unisson
  3. Faire la deuxième action en comptant jusqu'à 8 à l'unisson
  4. Faire la troisième action en comptant jusqu'à 8 à l'unisson
  5. Créer une pose de clôture pour montrer à quel point vous êtes heureux que le problème ait été résolu.
Remind students they can use the movement that was generated as a class or they can create new movement of their own.
Allow practice time (without music) and circulate among the groups, encouraging students to exaggerate their movements/shapes and to experiment with levels and their use of space.

Whole Class > Small Groups > Working Dances //
Classe entière > Petits groupes > Les danses de travail

Establish an order to share the dances. Explain that the students are going to go into role as the community that has come together to repair the park. Inform students that you will narrate a bit of the story, and that they will help bring the story to life by gathering and greeting one another as community members, and then performing their park repair tasks through dance. Establish a freeze signal (e.g., verbal command, triangle, drum). Encourage students to remain in role and to freeze whenever they hear the signal. 
Ask the students to begin the role play as you narrate:
The big work day finally arrived. All of the local community members woke up early and gathered in the park. Mrs. Ahmed was there and she was just delighted by the turnout.
Le grand jour du travail est enfin arrivé. Tous les membres de la communauté locale se sont levés tôt et se sont rassemblés dans le parc. Mme Ahmed était présente et elle était ravie de l'affluence.
Go into role as Mrs. Ahmed briefly and begin to greet community members:
Good Morning. Thank you so much for coming. What work team are you on this morning? Do you have your tools?
Bonjour à tous. Merci beaucoup d'être venu.e.s. Quelle est votre équipe de travail ce matin ? Avez-vous vos outils ?
Step out of role and continue as narrator:
Everyone was so cheerful as they greeted as each other. (Allow time for morning greetings in role.) Finally everyone gathered in their work teams, and soon the work would begin.
Tout le monde était si qu'iels se sont salué.e.s les un.e.s les autres. (Enfin, tout le monde s'est rassemblé dans son équipe de travail et le travail commencera bientôt.
(Freeze signal)
As narrator, introduce each group in turn to perform their working dance. (e.g., The builders took out their hammers and saws and set right to work!)
After each group has performed once, invite all groups to perform simultaneously. As the narrator, you can orchestrate this sharing, asking the groups to speed up and slow down. Freeze one group at a time, until all of the work comes to an end, providing some narration to guide the students to the end of a busy, tiring day of community work.
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Rotate between groups and give feedback on quality of movements and transitions. 
Prompt: How can we make our movements and emotions  clearer? What other body parts can you move? Can you hammer with your whole body? Can you saw with your head only?
Invitation : Comment pouvons-nous rendre nos mouvements et nos émotions plus clairs ? Quelles autres parties du corps peux-tu bouger ? Peux-tu marteler avec tout ton corps ? Peux-tu scier avec ta tête seulement ?
Encourage students to experiment with body parts and body moves. Give specific feedback and movement challenges.
Approximately 30 minutes



Small Groups > Debriefing With The Mayor //
Petits groupes > Discussion avec le maire

Once all of the performances have finished, in role as mayor, thank the whole group for their wonderful efforts and for bringing the problem to your attention in the first place. Then, invite the students to reflect upon how it feels to have repaired the park.
  • What have you learned about how a community works?
  • Why is it important to listen to other people's stories and experiences?
  • What do you think would have happened to the people you met if you hadn't taken action?

Invitations :

  • Qu'as-tu appris sur le fonctionnement d'une communauté ?
  • Pourquoi est-il important d'écouter les histoires et les expériences des autres ?
  • Que penses-tu qu'il serait arrivé aux personnes que tu as rencontrées si tu n'avais pas agi ?
Finally, dismiss yourself and tell them that you'll be sending one of your councillors back in a week to see how their plans for the re-opening ceremony are coming along.

Whole Group > Providing Feedback About Dances

Invite students to reflect on their own and their peers' dances. Encourage students to express appreciation for the work and suggest possible areas for improvement.
Review the elements of dance with students. Project or  post on chart paper, and distribute copies of PDF#3 (ENG) Elements of Dance Checklist, so that they know what they should be looking for in each others' work. Decide if you would like them to fill them out individually, with a partner, or in small groups.
One by one, have each group perform their piece again. After each performance, invite  students to share "2 stars" (two strengths) and "1 wish" (one suggestion for improvement).  Model giving constructive feedback (see Assessment for Learning).

Ask questions to build knowledge of the elements of dance.


  • How did you use levels in your dance phrase?
  • What energy words might describe your dance? (Refer to word list.)
  • What movements do you remember from this dance phrase? Why?

Invitations :

  • Comment as-tu utilisé les niveaux dans ta phrase de danse ?
  • Quels mots énergétiques pourraient décrire ta danse ? (Voir la liste des mots.)
  • Quels sont les mouvements dont tu te souviens dans cette phrase de danse ? Quels sont les mouvements dont tu te souviens de cette phrase de danse ? Pourquoi ?
Assessment for/of Learning
Use PDF#3 (ENG) Elements of Dance Checklist to shape feedback students give each other.
Assessment for Learning
Example of constructive feedback:

I like the way you used different qualities of energy by hammering hard and fast at the beginning, and then slowing down and hammering lightly toward the end. Perhaps you could start and end in a freeze next time to clearly signal the beginning and end of your dance).

J'aime la façon dont tu as utilisé différentes qualités d'énergie en martelant fort et rapidement au début, puis en ralentissant et en martelant légèrement vers la fin. Peut-être pourrais-tu commencer et terminer par un arrêt sur image la prochaine fois pour signaler clairement le début et la fin de ta danse).