Book Description Book Description
Bunting, Eve (1991). Night Tree. Voyager Books: NY.

DePalma, Mary Newell (2005). A Grand Old Tree. Arthur A. Levine Books: NY.

Titre français : Il était une fois un arbre.

Dorion, Leah. (2009). The Giving Tree: A Retelling of a Traditional Métis Story". Foreman, Michael (2009). A child’s garden: a story of hope. Candlewich Press: Massachusetts.
Foreman, Michael (1993). Grandfather Pencil and the Room of Stories. Random House: London. Gianferrari, Maria. (2021). Be a Tree! Abrams Books for Young Readers: New York.
Gosline, Andrea Alban (2008). The Happiness Tree. Feiwel and Friends: New York. Kogawa, Joy ( 2008). Naomi’s Tree. Fitzhenry & Whiteside: Toronto.

Lee Jin Pyn (2009). The Elephant and the Tree. Running Press: PA.

Napoli, Donna J. (2010). Mama Miti: Wangari Mathaai and the Trees of Kenya. Simon & Schuster : NY.

Nivola, Claire, A. (2008). Planting the Trees of Kenya: The Story of Wangari Maathai. Frances Foster Books: NY.

Nivola, Claire A. (2014). Mama Miti La mère des arbres. SEUIL : Paris.

Oldland, Nicholas (2009). Big Bear Hug. Kids Can Press: Toronto.

Titre français : Gros câlin.

Pak, Soyung (2002). A Place to Grow. Scholastic Press: NY.
Prévot, Franck. (2011.) Wangari Maathai: Femme qui plante des millions d'arbres. Rue du monde : Paris. Rijsdijk, Nicola. (2023). Une petite graine : l’histoire de Wangari Maathai. Écoutez ici :
Shields, Gillian (2009). Tom’s Tree. Good Books: PA.

Silverstein, Shel (1964). The Giving Tree. Harpercollins: NY.

Titre français : L'arbre généreux.

Thornhill, Jan (1991). A Tree in a Forest. Greey de Pencier Books: Toronto. Winter, Jeanette (2008). Wangari’s Trees of Peace: A True Story of Africa. Harcourt: Florida.
Zeman, Ludmila (1997). The First Red Maple Leaf. Tundra: Toronto. Zweibel, Alan (2005). Our Tree Named Steve. G. P. Putnam’s Sons: NY.

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