Whole Group > Class Discussion About The Importance of Trees
Discuss with students the importance of trees and what we get from living trees, e.g., fruit, medicine, oxygen, shade. Encourage students to identify some specific species of trees if they are able to, e.g. walnuts from a walnut tree. Write down these ideas on the chalk/white board, and have them record it in their Tree Journal.
Whole Group > Reading of the Letter from the Trees //
Groupe entier > Lecture de la lettre des arbres
Arrange for special delivery, or for a phone call from the office, to pick up a letter from the trees ( Appendix 5 - Letter from the Trees & Alternate). The letter could be written on a piece of bark, or even paper stuck onto bark to symbolize the "body" of the tree. This will help make the meaning of the letter even more powerful.
Read the letter to the class. Invite students to share their responses to the letter.
Organisez une livraison spéciale, ou un appel téléphonique du bureau, pour aller chercher une lettre des arbres (Annexe 5 - Lettre des arbres & lettre alternative). La lettre peut être écrite sur un morceau d'écorce, ou même sur du papier collé sur l'écorce pour symboliser le "corps" de l'arbre. Le sens de la lettre n'en sera que plus fort. Lisez la lettre à la classe. Invitez les élèves à partager leurs réactions à la lettre.
Prompts: Why do you suppose the trees are writing to us? What might we do to help the trees?
Invitations : Pourquoi pensez-vous que les arbres nous écrivent ? Que pourrions-nous faire pour aider les arbres ?
Individual > Writing in Journals
Ask students to make a list in their Tree Journal of all items in the class that are made from trees.
Whole Class > Brainstorming //
Classe entière > Remue-méninges
Invite students to share some items from their individual lists. Continue to brainstorm and chart a collective list of items in the classroom that are made from trees on the chalk/white board. Once the list is complete, engage the students in discussion.
Invitez les élèves à partager certains éléments de leurs listes individuelles. Poursuivez le remue-méninges et dressez une liste collective d'objets de la classe fabriqués à partir d'arbres sur le tableau blanc ou à la craie. Une fois la liste complétée, engagez la discussion avec les élèves.
Prompts: CL How would our lives be different if we could not use any of these items made from trees? What purposes do trees serve for humans and for animals? What are some alternatives to the tree products that we use and how we use and consume them?
Invitations : (LC) En quoi nos vies seraient-elles différentes si nous ne pouvions utiliser aucun de ces objets fabriqués à partir d'arbres ? À quoi servent les arbres pour les humains et les animaux ? Quelles sont les alternatives aux produits dérivés des arbres que nous utilisons et à la manière dont nous les utilisons et les consommons ?
If a more specific letter from the tree is needed, refer to the Alternate Letter in Appendix 5 - Letter from the Trees & Alternate // Annexe 5 - Lettre des arbres & lettre alternative
Small Groups > Learning about Tree Species
Organize students into small groups and assign each group a paragraph about a tree species specific to Ontario (See Appendix 6 - Ontario Trees // Annexe 6 - Arbres d'Ontario).
Explain that students are to read and discuss the information, ensuring that they understand it well.
Whole Class > Teacher in Role //
Classe entière > Le rôle de l'enseignant
Explain to the students that you are going to assume the role of someone who needs their help. Ask the students to assemble and prepare for a special meeting.
Expliquez aux élèves que vous allez jouer le rôle d'une personne qui a besoin de leur aide. Demandez aux élèves de se rassembler et de se préparer à une réunion spéciale.
Teacher-in-role Prompt
Good afternoon and thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I am the executive director of the Ontario Forestry Association. Our organization is dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of all aspects of Ontario's forests and trees, and to developing commitment to stewardship of forest ecosystems. It has come to my attention that you are learning about trees and that you really care about trees. Is that correct? Well then, I have come to the right place. We are launching a campaign, and we are looking for special guest speakers to teach people about Ontario trees and how important they are. Our organization would like to invite you to join our campaign and share your passion with others in short speeches or announcements. Are you willing to do this? You may choose to write a speech for adults, teens or children, or you may choose to write a short announcement to be read on the radio or over a school PA system. Now, your words must convince people to care as much as you do. You must communicate your message very clearly. Let's think together about all of the ingredients of an effective speech or announcement.
Invitation à jouer le rôle de l'enseignant
Bonjour et merci d'avoir accepté de me rencontrer. Je suis le directeur général de l'Association forestière de l'Ontario. Notre organisation se consacre à la sensibilisation et à la compréhension de tous les aspects des forêts et des arbres de l'Ontario, ainsi qu'au développement de l'engagement en faveur de la gestion des écosystèmes forestiers. J'ai appris que vous vous renseignez sur les arbres et que les arbres vous tiennent vraiment à cœur. Est-ce exact ? Dans ce cas, je suis au bon endroit. Nous lançons une campagne et nous recherchons des conférenciers spéciaux pour faire connaître aux gens les arbres de l'Ontario et l'importance qu'ils revêtent. Notre organisation aimerait vous inviter à participer à notre campagne et à partager votre passion avec d'autres personnes dans le cadre de brefs discours ou d'annonces. Êtes-vous prêt à le faire ? Vous pouvez choisir de rédiger un discours pour les adultes, les adolescents ou les enfants, ou de rédiger une courte annonce qui sera lue à la radio ou sur le système de sonorisation d'une école. Maintenant, vos mots doivent convaincre les gens de se préoccuper autant que vous. Vous devez communiquer votre message très clairement. Réfléchissons ensemble à tous les ingrédients d'un discours ou d'une annonce efficace.
Stay in role as the executive director as you listen, summarize, and chart success criteria for a speech announcement. Once the chart is complete, thank the students and explain that you will return to hear their speeches and announcements once they are created.
Have each group prepare and rehearse their speech or announcement. Once the writing is done, explain that you are going to adopt the role of the executive director of the Ontario Forestry Association once again and return to hear their speeches and announcements. Listen to each presentation and congratulate the groups for their important contribution.
Whole Class > Discussion About How Much More Trees Give Us
After hearing the presentations, add to the previous list of benefits from trees. Next erase the list of benefits from trees in order to demonstrate that with the destruction of a species, comes a great loss of benefits to all creatures.
Whole Class > Demonstration of the Loss of Tree Species
Ask the class to stand in a circle. Tell them that when they are touched on the shoulder, they should fall to the ground. Go around the circle and touch about half the group. As students are touched, they call out the name of their tree species. After you have gone around the circle, look at how many trees are left standing and how it feels to have so many trees that have been taken down.
Whole Class > Removing or Moving all Tree Products
Discuss with the class the idea of seeing what it would be like to live without tree products. Revisit the list of everything in the class made from trees.
Direct the students to remove or put aside all or as many of these products as possible, (e.g., paper, books, pencils, desks, chairs). Conduct one day of school without using any of these products. Play calm music to set a tone. Consider turning the lights off or dimming them to change the mood and to encourage energy reduction.
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Read students' Tree Journals to monitor their growing understanding.
Discuss the elements and success criteria of an effective speech or announcement. Conference with groups as they are composing their speeches/announcements. Encourage groups to practice how to deliver their message with commitment and passion.
Assessment as Learning (AaL)
By reflecting in their Tree Journals, students will consolidate their learning and draw connections between subject areas, personal experiences, and the world around them.
Reflecting in their journals on a day without tree products will allow students to recognize their personal dependence on trees.
The walking and speaking reflection is a chance for students to share, compare and contrast their individual reflections, so that common issues and concerns can emerge.
Differentiation (DI)
Some students may be given the option to write their speech or announcement independently.
Consider providing visual learners with the choice of creating a poster for the campaign rather than a speech or announcement. Emphasize that a poster must have one central strong message.
Students may work in pairs for the listing of benefits from trees activity. Instead of listing, allow students to draw the items.
Scaffold the task by providing a checklist to complete: made from trees/not made from trees
- Inform classroom neighbours that furniture is being temporarily moved
- Take a photo of your class before and after
- Cover items in the class made of wood that can not be moved
- Ensure that there is a plan for where items are going: e.g., all desks to the side of the class, all chairs stacked in the corner, all pencils put into you desk or in a pile etc.