Learning Goals |
Buts d'apprentissage |
DramaI can:
L'art dramatiqueJe peux :
DanceI can:
La danseJe peux :
LanguageI can:
LittératieJe peux :
Science I can:
Les sciencesJe peux :
Materials |
chalk or white board Tree Journals Indigenous poems PDF#9 Salutation Rubric // Grille d'évaluation de la salutation |
Approximately 10 minutes
Minds On // Esprit en marche |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Class > DiscussionExplain that Wangari's love of the trees is shared by many peoples across the world and over time. Tell the students that First Nation, Métis, and Inuit peoples of Canada have a close relationship with nature, and, in particular, emphasize the deep symbolism and importance of trees. Teachers who are not Indigenous are advised to use resources from the FNMIEAO (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Eduction Association of Ontario to ensure accuracy of information and to avoid appropriating voice. Choose three or four examples from their resources for teachers and students to share in this unit. Please also refer to CODE's In a Good Way document about avoiding appropriation in Dance and Drama. Read stories and poems that introduce land and nature teachings of specific Indigenous nations (see tips on right). |
TipsAssemble a collection of Indigenous picture books and poetry anthologies from the library. Contact this First Nations bookstore for suggestions for your school to purchase: Good Minds Display several FNMI teachings (aussi disponible en français à ce site-web) that the students have been introduced to from FNMIEAO prior to this lesson. |
Approximately 60 minutes
Action! |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Class > Introduction to SalutationDefine the meaning of salutation for the students. Explain that a salute is an act of honor or courteous recognition, (e.g. "a musical salute to the composer on his birthday") or a greeting that expresses good will (e.g. the opening greeting in a letter). Share that the Haudenosaunee begin all their gatherings, meetings and ceremonies by giving thanks, and often they give thanks to the trees. Explain that a salutation is a thanking, and that they will be creating a word and movement salutation to thank the trees. Invite students to consider all the reasons that they have to thank trees, and chart their ideas on the board. Small Groups > Vocal Salutation to a Part of the TreeDivide the class into four groups and assign each group one part of the tree. Ask each group to create a 2-3 sentence salutation of words to thank and honour that part of the tree. Instruct the students to rehearse their vocal salutation, using the choral techniques that have been practiced throughout the unit. Small Groups > Movement Salutation to a Part of the TreeAsk each group to now create a movement salutation that has at least four movements. Ask the students to move in unison and in a circle so that they can see each other and work together. Instruct the students to rehearse their movement salutation, with a focus on whole body movement, use of levels, and fluid, seamless transitions, as in previous lessons. Direct the students to combine their words and movement and rehearse the salutation numerous times. Small Groups > Performing for the ClassHave each group share their salutation. Start with the roots, then trunk, then branches and lastly leaves. Whole Class > Salutation to the Tree //
Assessment for/as Learning (AfL/AaL)Direct students' attention to Elements of Dance// Éléments de danse resource, and PDF#5 Choral Dramatization Checklist // Liste de contrôle pour la dramatisation d'un chant oral while they are working in their groups. Refer students to the Criteria for Success Chart generated in Lesson 2 to inform their creations. Observe how students use the elements of dance and choral dramatization to communicate in their salutation, and make suggestions as needed. The final discussion and journal writing will allow students to consolidate their learning about trees from throughout the unit. Assessment of Learning (AoL)Use PDF#9 Salutation Rubric // Grille d'évaluation de la salutation to assess their salutations. Use PDF#10 Journal Reflection Rubric // Grille d'évaluation du journal to assess their Tree Journal reflections.
Differentiation (DI)Provide direct prompts where necessary, e.g.: "keep your legs straight and your arms wide to show that you are strong," The salutation can be performed in different groupings: whole class, small groups, pairs, or solos; and in different formations: straight line, diagonal, zig zag, all facing out, etc. NotesKeep the salutations simple to ensure the success for all students. Direct focus towards transitions between movements in the salutations, as well as between individual group's salutations in the full group presentation. |
Approximately 15 minutes
Consolidation |
Notes/Assessment |
Whole Class > Discussion & Journal Reflection //
Collect and review student responses to gauge depth of reflection. Identify thoughtful reflections and invite these authors to share reflections at the beginning of the next lesson. |