Overall Expectations


A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to composition of short dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas


B1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to process drama and the development of drama works, using the elements and conventions of drama to communicate feelings, ideas and multiple perspective

B2. Reflecting, Responding and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate feelings, ideas and understandings in response to a variety of drama works and experiences


Oral Communication 1. listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes

Reading 1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts using a range of strategies to construct meaning

Reading 3. use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently

Writing 1. generate, gather and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

Media Literacy 1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts

Media Literacy 2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning

Lesson 1


A1.2 Creating and Presenting:  use dance as a language to interpret and depict central themes in literature


Oral Communication 1.2: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by adapting active listening strategies to suit a variety of situations, including working in groups

Oral Communication 1.6: extend understanding of oral texts by connecting, comparing and contrasting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to familiar texts, including print and visual texts, and to the world around them

Lesson 2


Oral Communication 1.5: interpret oral texts by using stated and implied ideas from the texts
Oral Communication 1.6: extend understanding of oral texts by connecting, comparing and contrasting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to familiar texts, including print and visual texts; and to the world around them.
Media Literacy 2.2:  identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience.

Lesson 3


B1.1 Creating and Presenting: engage actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times, and places

B2.3 Reflecting, Analysing, and Responding: identify and give examples of their strengths, interests, and areas for improvement as drama creators, performers, and audience members


Oral Communication 2.2: demonstrate an increasingly sophisticated understanding of appropriate speaking behavior in a variety of situations, including paired sharing, dialogue, and small and large group discussions

Oral Communication 2.3: communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, using appropriate organizing strategies and formats to link and sequence ideas and information
Media Literacy 2.1: describe in detail the main elements of some media forms

Lesson 4


B1.3 Creating and Presenting: plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by introducing new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role

B2.1 Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: express personal responses and preferences and make connections to themes and issues presented in their own and others' drama works


Reading 1.1: read a wide variety of texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts, graphic texts, and informational texts

Reading 1.9: identify the point of view presented in texts; determine whether they can agree with the view, in whole or in part; and suggest some other possible perspectives

Reading 3.2: predict the meaning of and rapidly solve unfamiliar words using different types of cues, including semantic, syntactic and graphophonic

Lesson 5


B1.1 Creating and Presenting: engage actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times, and places

B1.2 Creating and Presenting: demonstrate an understanding of the elements of role by selectively using other elements to build belief in a role and establish its dramatic context

B2.1 Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: express personal responses and preferences and make connections to themes and issues presented in their own and others' drama works


Oral Communication 1.8: identify the point of view presented in oral texts, determine whether they agree with the point of view, and suggest other possible perspectives

Oral Communication 2.2: demonstrate an increasingly sophisticated understanding of appropriate speaking behavior in a variety of situations, including paired sharing, dialogue, and small and large group discussions

Media Literacy 1.5: identify whose point of view is presented in a media text, identify missing or alternative points of view, and, where appropriate, determine whether the chosen view achieves a particular goal

Lesson 6


B1.1 Creating and Presenting: engage actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times, and places  


Oral Communication 2.5: identify a range of vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, volume, and a variety of sound effects, and use them appropriately  and with sensitivity towards cultural differences to help communicate their meaning

Reading 1.5 develop interpretations about texts using stated and implied ideas to support their interpretations

Lesson 7


A1.2 Creating and Presenting: use dance as a language to interpret and depict central themes in literature

A1.4 Creating and Presenting: combine the elements of dance in different ways to communicate a variety of ideas

A2.3 Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: identify and give examples of their strengths and areas for growth as choreographers and audience members


Reading 1.6: extend understanding of text /ideas by connecting, comparing and contrasting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to familiar texts and to the world around them. 
Writing 2.4: identify various elements of style - including voice, word choice, and the use of hyperbole, strong verbs, dialogue, and complex sentences - and explain how they help communicate meaning
Media Literacy 2.2: identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience

Lesson 8 


Reading 1.6 extend understanding of texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, by connecting ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to other texts and to the world around them

Lesson 9


B1.1 Creating and Presenting: engage actively in drama exploration and role play, with a focus on identifying and examining a range of issues, themes, and ideas from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources and diverse communities, times, and places

B1.3 Creating and Presenting: plan and shape the direction of the drama or role play by introducing new perspectives and ideas, both in and out of role


A1.2 Creating and Presenting:  use dance as a language to interpret and depict central themes in literature

A1.4  Creating and Presenting: combine the elements of dance in different ways to communicate a variety of ideas